Fantasy Towns
This week Year 3 Seahorses created their own fantasy towns. We thought carefully about what a town needs and where those places should be located. We worked in pairs to design our fantasy towns in our books and label the main places using a key. Then we set to work and created our fantasy towns…
Making Shadows
This half term we have started our new topic, Urban Pioneers and exploring about light and dark. The children have been finding out about a range of light sources and how the moon is not a light source. They also explored how shadows are made. Thankfully we managed to get a sunny day which was…
3D shapes
The children in year 3 Octopus have been working with shapes all week during their Maths Lessons. We started looking at all the 3D shapes, and named their properties and their actual names. By the end of the week the children were given cubes to make cuboids and they had to use different methods…
Year 3 Octopus Assembly
Year 3 performed their class assembly to the school and parents. They told the story of St George, explaining who he was and what he had done. The children acted out the Myth of St George of how he slayed a dragon to save the princess. They all had a speaking part during the assembly and did…