Welcome to Reception Clownfish


           Mrs Dunn -class teacher      


Welcome to Reception Clownfish, where children are encourage and supported to become independent, enthusiastic learners for life. Through structured play, focus activities and small group teaching children are nurtured through their learning journey. Here is some important information about school life for our new pupils in Reception and their families. We hope you find this useful.


My name is Mrs Dunn and I will be teaching Clownfish class. Working alongside me will be Miss Forrest and Miss Beard.


Here is our welcome booklet for you to have a look at, you will be able to meet the staff and find out about our Foundation Stage.

Welcome Booklet 2024

Our Weekly Timetable


Phonics homework sent out






PE Lesson






In Reception we send home a reading book for you to read with your child every day. We also send home packs of phonics flashcards and a phonics recap sheet to reinforce the sounds that have been taught in school. We also encourage parents and carers to develop counting skills with activities set by the teacher.

We will send home learning tasks via our online platforms - Class Dojo and Tapestry. We ask parents and carers to complete as many activities as possible and send pictures or videos so your child can share their wonderful work with the class. We also encourage parents to share other WOW moments on Tapestry and Class Dojo for example riding a bike or climbing a tree.



Reading is very important and children quickly make progress with regular reading practice at home. Children will receive a library book to be shared with an adult and a phonics book that children will start to read with some support. We expect all children to read every night and ask parents to sign children's reading record each time they have read. 

Foundation Stage Curriculum Overview 


We have used the statutory framework for Early Years and our expertise to map out a broad, balanced, creative and coherent curriculum across the foundation stage. We believe our curriculum empowers our pupils to access and develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become well-rounded citizens who take with them a life-long love of learning. Further information about how we teach our Early Years curriculum can be found below and also in our school policy. 


Have a look at the Reception curriculum below- 

Curriculum 2024-2025

Foundation Stage Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Foundation Stage Curriculum Coverage 2023-2024

Autumn 1 MTP- What do I know about me? 

Autumn 2 MTP - What do we Celebrate and why?

Spring 1 - What would it be like to live in the Arctic?

Spring 2 - Long Ago and Now

Summer 1 - Are all mini beasts scary?

 Summer 2 - Which animals live in our world?

Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser

Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser

 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

 Summer 2

Information for Parents

At Boarshaw Primary we believe that ongoing assessment is at the heart of effective practice and we observe the children as they interact in their play and everyday activities in order to identify ways to strengthen and deepen their learning and development. We record these observation using an online learning journey, Tapestry, which all parents can access from a phone, tablet or computer.


Links for parents to support your child’s learning

 Phonics Play - A site packed with interactive phonics games and many resources to help children develop their phonics skills.


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