Wellbeing Warriors

Welcome to the webpage for the Wellbeing Warriors at Boarshaw Primary School!


What are Wellbeing Warriors?

The Wellbeing Warriors  meet regularly and are responsible for ensuring our pupils have a healthy lifestyle, body and most importantly mind. They will work together to tackle issues identified and help to convey key messages to our pupils and staff. You can keep track with the decisions we make and discussions we have by looking at the minutes from our meetings, which are attached below.

Who is a  Wellbeing Warriors?

One pupil from each class is a Wellbeing Warrior. They can be easily identified as they will be wearing a Wellbeing Warrior badge

Wellbeing Warrior Charter

All Wellbeing Warriors have to follow a charter, with expectations about their role.







The  Wellbeing Warriors hold an assembly with each phase to explain what wellbeing is. Below is our power point-                                    

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