Welcome to Year 1 Dolphins
Miss Ali - Class Teacher
Miss Farrell - Teaching Assistant
Welcome to our class webpage for Year 1 Dolphins. During the course of the year we will support the children and deliver a creative curriculum which is interesting, engaging and most of all fun! Through our webpage you can find out more about our learning over the course of the year and have access to our half termly newsletter. You can always find out more about what we have been doing by checking our Facebook feed or our class story on dojo.
Our Weekly Timetable
Monday |
Homework set |
Tuesday |
PE |
Wednesday |
Reading books changed |
Thursday |
Library books changed |
Friday |
Spelling TestPEHomework due in |
Reading books will be changed weekly once your child has read in class. This could be a different day each week so please make sure they have their reading book in school every day.
Every Monday, spelling homework will be set via the online apps. The spellings are taken from the Year 1 curriculum and corresponds with what pupils have been learning in their phonics lessons. It is essential that pupils practise their spellings daily, via spelling shed, for the spelling test which takes place on a Friday.
Maths homework will follow Numbots, which is an online game. You child will be set challenges to complete each week. Year 1 is an important year with the Phonics screening. Reading daily and encouraging the children to write a sentence when completing their spelling homework will support them in their phonic knowledge.
Reading and Phonics
Reading forms an essential part of the Year 1 curriculum and phonics is a strategy used to help pupils develop their reading skills. All pupils in Year 1 will take part in a daily phonics lesson following the Rocket Phonics scheme. Below is some information about phonics for parents and some links to phonics games. Further information can be found on the school's phonics page.
What is phonics?
Phonics guide for parents
Phonics games
Phonics Screening
Each child in year 1 will take part in the phonics screening test in June. The children will read 40 words with a familiar adult. Some of the word will be real words and some of them will be non-sense words. More information can be found by following the link below:
Parents Guide to the Phonics Screening
Year 1 Curriculum 2023-24
Please take time to look at our curriculum content for this year:
Long Term Plan 2023-24
Geography Key Content and Knowledge
History Key Content and Knowledge
Science Key Content and Knowledge
Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan
Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan
Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 2 History Knowledge Organiser
Spring 1 Medium Term Plan
Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser
Spring 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser
Spring 2 Medium Term Plan
Spring 2 History Knowledge Organiser
Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser
Summer 1 Medium Term Plan - History Learning Challenge - Who has made a Difference to the World?
Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Inventors
Summer 1 History Knowledge Organiser - Who has made a difference to the World?