Welcome to Year 4 Starfish
Mr Randall - Class Teacher
Welcome to Year 4 Starfish, I am Mr Randall and I am the class teacher and supporting me are Mrs Cleworth and Ms Lord who are the teaching assistants. We are excited to be teaching your children this year in Year 4 and can't wait to see them on their learning journey throughout the year. Below is a timetable of things to remember each week.
Our Weekly Timetable
TTRS and Spelling Shed will be set each week. This will refresh every Friday and run till the following Friday. The children will be set 15 minutes a week on TTRS and 3 games to play on Spelling Shed.
Each Monday, a comprehension, handwriting practice and some maths work will be set. This is to be returned to school by Friday morning.
A spelling list will be sent home on Monday as well and stuck in their reading planner.
Children are expected to read and record this in their planner at least three times a week.
Year 4 Curriculum Overview
We have used the national curriculum and our expertise to map out a broad, balanced, creative and coherent curriculum. We believe our curriculum empowers our pupils to access and develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become well-rounded citizens who take with them a life-long love of learning.
Have a look at the Year 4 Curriculum below.
Science content and key knowledge
Geography content and key knowledge
History content and key knowledge
Long term plan 2024-2025
Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan
Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan
Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Autumn 2 History Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Spring 1 Medium Term Plan
Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Spring 1 History Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Spring 2 Medium Term Plan
Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Spring 2 Geography Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Summer 1 Medium Term Plan
Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Summer 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Summer 2 Medium Term Plan
Summer 2 Science Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Summer 2 History Knowledge Organiser 2024-2025
Boarshaw Primary Promise
This is what we aim for all our pupils to have experienced by the end of the year.
Boarshaw Primary Promise