The Bully Busters!


Welcome to the webpage for the Bully Busters at Boarshaw Primary School!


What is bullying?

Bullying affects lots of young people and happens in many schools but it's the way it's dealt with which makes the difference. There is no legal definition of bullying. But it is usually defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically.


Bullying can take many forms including:

  • physical assault

  • teasing

  • making threats

  • name calling

  • cyber bullying

More information about each type of bullying can be found at the Bullying UK website.

More information about bullying can be found on the websites below. Bullying is taken very seriously at Boarshaw Primary School. If you have any concerns please speak to your child’s class teacher.

BBC Schools - Bullying and Advice

Stand Up To Bullying


Be Someone To Help Others

Anti-Bullying Alliance


What do the Bully Busters do?

The Bully Busters meet regularly and represent the pupil voice at our school. You can recognise them in school by their bright blue fleece jackets!  Their main purpose is to tackle bullying and ensure that all pupils enjoy coming to our school. Our Bully Busters check our emotions boxes in each class to see if any pupils need help with any issues they may be having. You can keep track with the discussions our Bully Busters have by looking at the minutes from their meetings, which are attached below.


Who is a Bully Busters?

Pupils from each class are chosen at the beginning of the year to be a Bully Buster. They can be easily identified as they will be wearing a Bully Buster badge. If you have any suggestions or comments you would like the Bully Busters to bring to a meeting then speak to a Bully Buster in your class or to Mrs Evans.



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