Welcome to Year 6 Stingray!

Welcome to Year 6’s (Stingray) webpage! My name is Miss Few and I am the class teacher. Our class teaching assistants this year are Miss Caine and Miss Murphy. We know that Year 6 is going to be an eventful year: full of excitement; learning and developing more responsibility. The children will have the opportunity to build on their own learning style and confidence in everything that you do. This page and our school blog are intended to keep you up-to-date with all of the fun and thrilling things we are doing in class. You will find all of the significant day to day information you need to know. To see our latest newsletters, knowledge organisers and topic pack click on the links below.



Our Weekly Timetable


Homework set: Spelling Shed and TTR.

Reading book to be brought in.


Reading book to be brought in.

P.E. day (full P.E. kit needed for this day).


Reading book to be brought in.


Reading book to be brought in.


Homework returned: handwriting, comprehension, maths booklet, Spelling Shed and TTR.

Spelling test.

Reading book to be brought in.

P.E. day (full P.E. kit needed for this day).



All children need to read at home every night and should bring their reading book into school each day.  In the pupil planners, there are ideas for things to talk about and questions to ask your children about their reading. 

Whenever possible, please help your child to practise their weekly times tables and spellings.  Testing them at home will help cement their learning of spelling rules and improve their recall speed of multiplication facts. 

In Year 6, children should be using Times Tables Rockstars regularly in order to improve their recall speed.   We will be holding competitions and battles within class and against other classes during the year. 

Children can also to log onto Read Theory or Century Learning  if they want to do more work at home.  These websites helps to support maths, reading and comprehension skills through quick, regular rehearsal. 


Statutory Assessments

The 2024 Key Stage 2 SATs will take place in the week commencing 12th May 2025. The tests will take place over four days. Children in Year 6 (those aged 10-11) will take these tests. More information will be provided to parents nearer the time.


Year 6 Curriculum Overview 


We have used the national curriculum and our expertise to map out a broad, balanced, creative and coherent curriculum. We believe our curriculum empowers our pupils to access and develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become well-rounded citizens who take with them a life-long love of learning.


Have a look at the Year 6 Curriculum below.


Science content and key knowledge 

Geography content and key knowledge 

History content and key knowledge


 Long term plan 2024-2025


Autumn 1 medium term plan

Autumn 1 science knowledge organiser 

Autumn 1 History knowledge organiser 


Autumn 2 Medium Term plan

Autumn 2 History knowledge organise

Autumn 2 Science knowledge organiser 


Spring 1 Medium Term Plan

Spring 1 Geography knowledge organiser

Spring 1 Science knowledge organiser


Spring 2 Medium Term Plan

Spring 2 History knowledge organiser

Spring 2 Science knowledge organiser

Boarshaw Primary Promise

This is what we aim for all our pupils to have experienced by the end of the year.

 Boarshaw Primary Promise 


Our Newsletters

Keep up-to-date with information about each term and find out what we are learning through our class newsletters.

 Autumn 1 Newsletter

 Autumn 2 Newsletter

 Spring 1 Newsletter







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