Welcome to Year 1 Sharks

Welcome to the class web page for Year 1 Sharks. My name is Miss Riaz and I am Key Stage 1 Lead. I have the pleasure of teaching Shark class this year along with my teaching assistant Miss Brown. 


Welcome to Key Stage 1

We welcome your child to Key Stage 1 and hope to engage them with a creative curriculum which is interesting and lots of fun! Throughout the year we aim to keep parents, carers and families well informed as to what we have been up to. You can follow our journey on Class Dojo, Twitter, Facebook or on our Instagram page. Our class webpage will be updated each half term, with our topic planning, knowledge organisers and class newsletters. We are looking forward to working with you and your child as we guide them on their journey throughout this academic year.


What does my child need each day?

Your child needs to bring their book bag and reading book along with their planner to school each day. This is so that they can be supported with their reading by an adult in school.

Your child needs to bring an appropriate coat, so they are able to play outside in all weathers.

Children should bring a water bottle to school, which they can have access to throughout the day.

Your child will need to bring a PE kit, which can stay in school in their locker. PE kits will be sent home for washing at the end of each half term. 


Our Weekly Timetable


Homework is sent out

PE day




Reading books are changed 


PE day

Library books are changed   


Spelling Test 

Homework due back     



Homework is sent out every Monday and needs to be returned back to school by Friday. Pupils can access Spelling Shed and Numbots throughout the week to help them to build their confidence with their number and spellings skills. Homework includes a maths activity, spellings linked to handwriting and a fine motor skills activity. 


You can access Spelling Shed by clicking on the link here

You can access Numbots by clicking on the link here.



Pupils are expected to read at home daily and parents should date and sign reading planners. Reading books will be changed weekly and daily reading will help pupils to apply the skills they are learning through their phonics lessons. Our reading scheme is Rising Stars Rocket Phonics and all books sent home are appropriately matched to your child's reading ability.

Pupils are required to read and then re-read their books to help them to get faster with their reading (fluency). Pupils should answer questions about what they are reading throughout the story to demonstrate their understanding (comprehension).

Reading and Phonics

Reading forms an essential part of the Year 1 curriculum and phonics is a strategy used to help pupils develop their reading skills. All pupils in Year 1 will take part in a daily phonics lesson following the Rocket Phonics scheme to help prepare them for the Phonics Screen Check in June of their current academic year.

You can find out further information about the Phonics Screen Check by clicking on the link here


Below is some information about phonics for parents and some links to phonics games. Further information can be found on the school's phonics page

 What is phonics?

 Phonics games 


Year 1 Curriculum 2024-2025

Please take time to look at our curriculum content for this year:

 Long Term Plan 2024-2025

 Science Content and Key Knowledge 

 Geography Content and Key Knowledge 

 History Content and Key Knowledge 


 Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan - Geography Learning Challenge - Where do the wheels on the bus go?

 Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Body Parts and Senses

Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser - Geographical skills and fieldwork

 Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Seasons 

 Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Autumn 


 Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan - History Learning Challenge - What has changed since my grandparents were young?

 Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser - Winter 

 Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser - Everyday Materials 

 Autumn 2 History Knowledge Organiser - Comparisons to the Past 


 Spring 1 Medium Term Plan - Geography Learning Challenge - Why is it Always Cold in Winter? 

 Spring 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser - Human and Physical Geography 

 Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants 

 Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Animals including Humans 


 Spring 2 Medium Term Plan - History Learning Challenge - Why did the Great Fire of London start?

 Spring 2 History Knowledge Organiser - Why did the Great Fire of London start? 

 Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants 


 Summer 1 Medium Term Plan - History Learning Challenge - Who has made a Difference to the World?

 Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Plants 

 Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser - Inventors 

 Summer 1 History Knowledge Organiser - Who has made a difference to the World?


 Summer 2 Medium Term Plan - Geography Learning Challenge - Why can't penguins live near the equator? 

 Summer 2 Geography Knowledge Organiser - Why can't penguins live near the equator? 

 Summer 2 Science Knowledge Organiser - Seasons 


Boarshaw Primary Promise

Our Boarshaw Promise is to give all our pupils unique childhood experiences in each year. Find out what pupils will be experiencing in Year 1 below! 

 Year 1 Promise


Our Newsletters

Keep up-to-date with information about each term and find out what we are learning through our class newsletters.

 Autumn 1 Newsletter  - Welcome to Year 1 

 Autumn 2 Newsletter - Welcome back this half term

 Spring 1 Newsletter - Welcome to Spring Term

 Spring 2 Newsletter - Welcome back

 Summer 1 Newsletter - Welcome to Summer Term!

 Summer 2




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