Applying for a school place at Boarshaw Primary


Admissions for 2023-2024


If your child is due to start primary school OR transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2024 you can submit your application online using the applications portal.

School admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools are determined by Rochdale Borough Council.


What is the admission criteria?

For community and voluntary controlled schools we allocate places in the following order:

  1. Children in the Care of a Local Authority.

  2. Children with exceptional medical needs or exceptional welfare considerations which are directly relevant to the school concerned.

  3. Children with older siblings attending the school.

  4. Children with church affiliation, only applicable to Voluntary Controlled Church of England Schools.

  5. Children eligible for the service premium.

  6. ​Proximity, where you live.


How do I apply for a place, when can I do it and when do I find out about my place?

If you live outside the borough of Rochdale and want a school place at a Rochdale school you must apply through your home local authority.

If you live in the borough you can apply for a place online from September 2022. The closing dates and notification of decisions are as follows:



Apply from

Closing date

Offer date – notification to parents.


18th September 2023

16th January 2024

16th April 2024


4th September 2023

31st October 2023

1st March 2024


In-year transfers

If you wish to transfer your child to our school during a school year, you'll need to complete an in-year transfer application form.

Completed forms must be sent to the correct Admission Authority for the school. 



Nursery class

Boarshaw Primary Nursery places are managed by the school. To apply for a place in Nursery please contact the school office for an application form. 


Further Information

Further information about applying for a place at Boarshaw Primary school can be found by:

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