Welcome to the webpage for the Digital Leaders at Boarshaw Primary School!
What is a Digital Leader?
Digital technology is a significant part of our everyday lives. We use technology throughout the day for all jobs and purposes. Therefore ensuring that all our pupils grow into responsible digital citizens who are able to use technology purposefully and safely is of upmost importance to us.
Digital Leaders
In 2018 we introduced the role of Digital Leaders at our school and have never looked back! Each year, our Digital Leaders are responsible for ensuring pupils in all classes recognise ways to keep safe when online. Digital Leaders work together to help educate their peers about online dangers, types of cyberbullying and ways to tackle unkind behaviour when using social media.
Digital Leaders at Boarshaw Primary
Digital Leaders meet regularly with Miss Riaz each half term. During these meetings they look at different aspects of online safety. Digital Leaders are then responsible for delivering the key messages from their meetings back to their peers, in their classes and across school. We believe that pupils should be educated about online safety by not only their teachers but also their peers. Digital Leaders use presentations to educate classes and also to deliver whole-school assemblies.
What work have we been doing this academic year?
Election Process – October 2021
During Autumn term, Miss Riaz advertised vacancies for the post of digital leaders in each year group. The position would be for the duration of the academic year and each digital leader would be responsible for helping to raise the profile of online safety within each class from Years 1-6. Each class talked about online safety and pupils who were interested in the role had to put their name forward to their class teacher. Each class was then responsible, via a democratic process, of voting to elect their own digital leader.
Online Safety – November-December 2021
Digital leaders met during autumn term to talk about ways in which pupils can keep themselves safe whilst accessing material online and what they can do if they feel unsafe in any online situation. Digital leaders had a good understanding of all the ways in which young people can make friends online through various social networking sites and apps they may have access to. They also understood that young people often spend the vast majority of their time online and wanted to reinforce what personal information should not be shared. This included names, addresses, school name, passwords and real photographs of themselves.
Digital leaders worked with Miss Riaz to create a PowerPoint, which they could present back to their peers in class. The PowerPoint made sure to focus on who is really a friend online and how to deal with friends requests. Digital leaders were also able to advise in ways in which people could be blocked wisely and taught how to recognise and tackle cyber bullying.
At the end of the lesson, the class were asked to summarise the key messages they would be taking away and also who they would speak to in the future if they were worried about their safety whilst online.
Minutes from this half term
Safer Internet Day – January-February 2022
This year, we celebrated Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 8th February. The theme was “All Fun and Games? Exploring Respect and Relationships Online.’ Digital Leaders worked together to look in greater detail at what respectful behaviour looks like and what to do in the event of this not happening. They created their own PowerPoint to take back to classes, thinking about the internet is used for, all the uses it has and explaining key vocabulary. Digital leaders made their presentations back to their classes and made sure to collect feedback on the following questions:
You read a message in a chat or live stream that makes you feel bad – what would you do?
Your friend is upset but what someone has said to them in a game – what could you do?
Your team beats another team – what would you say to the other team? What would be inappropriate to say?
Minutes from this half term
Previous Work completed by our Digital Leaders
Our Digital Leaders presented an assembly to the whole school this half term. The Digital Leaders had worked with Miss Riaz to create and write their own assembly. It can be intimidating to perform in front of all the pupils and the staff but the Digital Leaders were FANTASTIC! They really conveyed the message of who they are, what they will be doing and how our pupils can ensure they stay safe when using social media. Have a look at some of the photographs from their assembly below.
How can we tackle cyber bullying? Create a poster highlighting key ways!
As a school we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2019. Our amazing Digital Leaders led the way with an assembly which targeted ways in which our pupils can keep themselves safe on social media.
We discussed the theme for this year which was 'working together to make a better internet' and how we can be kind with our words and actions. Here are some photographs and our pledges from the day.