Holiday Club

We aim to run our holiday club for 1 week during the Easter holidays and 2 weeks at the start of the Summer holidays. We aim to keep the club as affordable as possible and although we have had success in previous years, unfortunately we did not gain the interest of pupils and parents for Easter or Summer 2023 and had to cancel our clubs. We can only run a club if we can meet our costs and this was not the case last time. We will send out letters again after February half term 2024 to ask if parents will be interested in a club running at Easter 2024. If there is enough interest, payment and consent can be made via Parent Pay, as we are a cashless school.

We will send out letters for our Summer 2024 club after May half term.

Typical activities at holiday club include arts and crafts, colouring, baking and cooking, sports, outdoor games if the weather is good, use of the play equipment including bikes and scooters, outdoor ball activities, Just Dance, use of different games and toys throughout the day. Breakfast is included along with access to drinks throughout the day but pupils have to bring their own packed lunch.

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