Welcome to Year 3 Seahorses


                                                              Miss Sharp - Class Teacher         


Welcome to Year 3 Seahorses. I am Miss Sharp and I am the class teacher for this class. I am enjoying teaching the Seahorse class very much - they are bright, enthusiastic learners and Year 3 is a wonderful year group to be a part of.  


Through our webpage you can find out more about our learning over the course of the year and have access to our half termly newsletter. You can always find out more about what we are doing by accessing our Facebook and Twitter feed.


Our Weekly Timetable


Homework set online each week on TTRS and Spelling Shed. Handwriting and comprehension homework is also sent home each week, to be returned on Friday. 

PE day  

Bring Reading book to school


PE Day

Bring reading book to school


Bring reading book to school


Bring reading book to school


Spelling Test

Bring homework into school. 

Bring reading book to school. 



A continued focus this year will be spellings and times tables. Please practice the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables at speed with your child! Spellings will be given each week with focused spelling patterns for the children to learn these can be found on Spelling shed. Times tables are the emphasis for Year 3 and we will be using Times Tables Rock Stars for our weekly homework tasks. Spelling and times tables homework is to be completed online and handwriting and comprehension homework handed back to Miss Sharp every Friday. 

Daily reading is also encouraged as this will help your child to increase the pace and fluency of their reading. Please listen to your child read and sign their reading record each time they read. We also have school library where you child can borrow books weekly to read at home as we a developing our reading for pleasure. 


Year 3 Curriculum Overview 


We have used the national curriculum and our expertise to map out a broad, balanced, creative and coherent curriculum. We believe our curriculum empowers our pupils to access and develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become well-rounded citizens who take with them a life-long love of learning.


Have a look at the Year 3 Curriculum below.


Long Term Plan 2023-2024


 Autumn 1 Medium term plan

 Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser

 Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser


 Autumn 2 Medium term plan

 Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser

 Autumn 2 History Knowledge Organiser


Spring 1 Medium term plan

 Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser

 Spring 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser


Spring 2 Medium term plan

 Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser

 Spring 2 History Knowledge Organiser


Summer 1 Medium term plan

 Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser

 Summer 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser


Boarshaw Primary  Promise

This is what we aim for all our pupils to have achieved by the end of the year.

 Boarshaw Primary Promise 


Our Newsletters

Keep up-to-date with information about each term and find out what we are learning through our class newsletters.

 Autumn 1 Newsletter

 Autumn 2 Newsletter

 Spring 1 Newsletter

 Spring 2 Newsletter

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