Welcome to Year 3 Octopus


Mrs Thackway- class teacher 


Welcome to Year 3 Octopus. I am Mrs Thackway and I am the class teacher. I am also the Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader. Year 3 are now in their first year in Key Stage 2 and we hope their transition is smooth. I am looking forward to teaching Year 3 this year and watching them grow. They are now becoming responsible, more independent and will be expected to become active learners and thinkers. Below is a timetable of things to remember each week. 


To see our latest newsletters click on the links below. Don’t forget to check in frequently via our school twitter page. We can’t wait to share our learning with you.



Our Weekly Timetable


Homework set on this day.

Reading book in school. 


Reading book in school. 



Reading book in school. 

PE Day


Reading book in school. 


Homework Due in

Spelling Test

PE Day



Children should have their reading book in school every day and should be reading at home on a daily basis. It is important that your child is doing this as this will have an impact on their writing and other subjects in school. Spelling online homework goes live on Spelling Shed on a Monday and a minimum of 3 games should be completed online by Friday. Again, it is extremely important that your child is doing their homework every week. Times tables (including division facts) should be secure by the end of year 4 so this will be a priority for those children who do not know theirs. In Year 3 we focus on 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Please allow your children to log on to Times Tables Rock Stars regularly and play a minimum of 15 minutes so that they can be involved in the competitions and the battles we create against other classes and schools. The children thoroughly enjoy taking part in the competitive aspect of the website and they are improving their times tables skills at the same time.

On a Monday the children will recieve a comprehension and some handwriting practise based on their weekly spellings. This should be completed and handed in by Friday each week. 


Year 3 Curriculum Overview 


We have used the national curriculum and our expertise to map out a broad, balanced, creative and coherent curriculum. We believe our curriculum empowers our pupils to access and develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become well-rounded citizens who take with them a life-long love of learning.


Have a look at the Year 3 Curriculum below.


Science content and key knowledge 

Geography content and key knowledge 

History content and key knowledge


Long Term Plan 2023-24

 Autumn 1 Medium term plan

 Autumn 1 Science knowledge organiser

 Autumn 1 Geography knowledge organiser


Long Term Plan 2023-24

 Autumn 1 Medium term plan

 Autumn 1 Science knowledge organiser

 Autumn 1 Geography knowledge organiser


 Autumn 2 Medium term plan

 Autumn 2 Science knowledge organiser

 Autumn 2 History knowledge organiser


 Spring 1 Medium term plan

 Spring 1 Science knowledge organiser

 Spring 1 Geography knowledge organiser


 Spring 2 Medium term plan

 Spring 2 Science knowledge organiser

 Spring 2 History knowledge organiser


 Summer 1 Medium term plan

 Summer 1 Science knowledge organiser

 Summer 1 Geography knowledge organiser


Boarshaw Primary  Promise

This is what we aim for all our pupils to have experienced by the end of the year.

 Boarshaw Primary Promise 


Our Newsletters

Keep up-to-date with information about each term and find out what we are learning through our class newsletters.

 Autumn 1 Newsletter

 Autumn 2 Newsletter

 Spring 1 Newsletter

 Spring 2 Newsletter




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