English at Boarshaw Primary School


The aim for English in the National Curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.



This describes our school’s agreed way of working (curriculum) and the aims of our subjects in helping your children develop and learn.


At Boarshaw Primary, we believe that the skills and knowledge which are taught through English provide the very foundations for all learning across the curriculum. Speaking and Listening underpins the development of reading and writing. Following on from this, we recognise that both reading and writing is at the very heart of each subject. We want to grow learners who feel confident and competent to apply their learning in every subject.


Speaking and Listening

Our pupils need to be able to use a rich spoken vocabulary to allow them to engage in discussion, share ideas and explain clearly their understanding and knowledge about all aspects of the curriculum.

Pupils should feel confident with making formal presentations and also need to be able to listen effectively to enable them to learn, reflect and to ask and answer questions.


Children need to be able to clearly write in a range of genres adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences, using the grammar knowledge and spelling they are taught. Children should be exposed to a vocabulary-rich environment which allows them to make appropriate word choices and enable their writing to be interesting to read. They need to take pride in their writing developing a fluent handwriting style and a good standard of presentation.



Children need to be taught how to read, first through decoding, then through increased fluency whilst developing their understanding. All children will be read to and have opportunities to read for pleasure or information, with the long term goal being a lifelong love for reading. Pupils will be immersed in vocabulary-rich and challenging texts, taken off our cultural capital which will allow all pupils to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage. Parents will be involved in developing their child’s learning journey and recognising the importance of reading to their child’s education.



This is simply about what we do every day to help your children make progress.


Speaking and Listening

All pupils are encouraged to ask and answer questions. They communicate their ideas and listen to others during circle time, role play and during class activities. Class time is used effectively to allow pupils to discuss their thoughts, feelings, own views and opinions, whilst considering and respecting the views of others through, for example, debating topical issues. Drama is used across the Key Stages to explore ideas or texts and plays a central role in the experience days which usually take place at the start of an English unit.



Pupils will be taught from the Cultural Capital for each year group, ensuring that they are immersed in a range of rich texts. These will include archaic, non-linear sequence, narratively complex, complexity of plot/symbolic, resistant and Shakespearean texts.  All pupils will have the opportunity to read to an adult throughout the week either at 1:1, small group or at a whole-class level. Whole class or guided reading will help to develop vocabulary and understanding the text through questioning linked to inference and deduction. Reading areas will display high quality texts which expose pupils to a range of new authors.


Children who are not reading in line with peers will be supported through pre-teach and targeted interventions.


A love for reading is garnered away from school in the home environment through a range of techniques. Younger pupils develop their confidence and reading ability through accessing decodable books whilst older pupils use book bands and reading levels to help ensure books are ability appropriate. All pupils have a library book, which they have chosen, to enjoy at home either by themselves or through support from an adult.



Writing will always be linked to a purpose with a variety of genres and text types including poetry taught throughout the year. The teaching of writing is purposeful, robust and shows clear progression for all children. The Write Stuff is aligned to the new National Curriculum and ensures that each year group is teaching the explicit grammar, punctuation and spelling objectives required for that age groups. Teachers are able to embed the skills throughout the year in cross-curricular writing opportunities and ensure that most children are achieving the objectives at the expected level and that some children can achieve at a greater depth standard.



This is about what your children have learnt and how we know what we do is making a difference.


Children working at ARE within each year group will be in line with national averages or above with some working at greater depth in most year groups. Any significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils will be addressed.

Children who leave Boarshaw Primary School will:

  • Enjoy reading and writing across a range of genres.

  • Use a wide vocabulary that they use within their writing and spoken language.

  • Write with a good awareness of their audience.

  • Have an English skillset which equips learners to be effective in all aspects of the curriculum.



Our policies are attached below:

English Policy 

Library Policy

Handwriting Policy 


Language and literacy

At  Boarshaw Primary we aim to develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject. English is both a subject in its own right and the medium for teaching; for children, understanding the language will provide access to the whole curriculum. Fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects.

The Write Stuff scheme of work is followed in Years 1-6 and allows pupils to explore a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry units. Mark making is actively encouraged from an early age and handwriting continues as a focus in every year group. There is always a purpose to all writing and each unit finishes with a final independent piece of writing. Pupils are taught the key skills to help them to draft, edit and amend their writing. The Write stuff promotes vocabulary rich learning, where pupils are exposed to teacher modelling to help set expectations. Lessons focus on accurate use of punctuation and grammar to help produce quality sentences. The Spelling Shed scheme of work is followed for spelling. 




Children are taught to read fluently, understand extended prose (both fiction and non-fiction) and encouraged to read for pleasure in school and at home. We do everything to promote wider reading and to help our pupils develop a lifelong love for books. Emerging readers take home high quality picture books to help encourage book talk. Rocket Phonics is used in school to help pupils to learn to read and all reading books are closely matched to graphemes which pupils have been taught. Pupils who have completed the phonics scheme, continue to read banded books on our whole-school reading scheme, Rising Stars Reading Planet and also use Accelerated Reader to help ensure they are developing their comprehension skills. We also have a fantastic school library which has a stimulating environment to promote a wholesome love for reading in school and at home. All pupils can select and take home books from our library. In addition to this all pupils have access to an online digital library, Myon.  

Please see our Reading and Phonics Curriculum webpage for further information.


English Enrichment

In 2019 we took part and successfully won the first ever Rochdale Spelling Bee. Visit our webpage to find out more! We are pleased to announce that we will be taking part in this competition again in 2022. 

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