
E-safety plays such an important role in the lives of young children in today's day and age. We currently live in a digital world, therefore we want to equip our pupils with ways in which they can be safe when working online and accessing the internet. 

At Boarshaw Primary, we feel it is essential to equip our pupils to become responsible and sensible 'digital citizens'. Our E-safety Lead, Miss Riaz works alongside the Digital Leaders within our school to help deliver this message to all our pupils. Why not visit their home page to find out further details about the work they undertake within our school? 


Our school's E-safety policy shows our commitment to keeping all children safe while using digital media. We believe that rigorous online safety policies and procedures are essential to safeguarding children online.


Pupils at our school often have visitors including Mr Brooks who come to work with them, staff and parents to understand the importance of E-safety. Our pupils understand that if a website causes them any concern they should always 'zip it, block it, flag it!' A phrase they are very confident to use and talk openly about. 


Our pupils regularly complete workshops and training sessions which focus on how to deal with uncomfortable situations and ways to tackle cyberbullying. Digital Leaders are used to deliver assemblies and training to their own classes! 




We like to ensure we celebrate key days such as Safer Internet Day each year, which is usually led with an assembly from the Digital Leaders. Throughout the day there is learning based around e-safety and ways we can all work together to make the internet a safer place. Have a look at some of the pledges our pupils have made. 



E-Safety in the Home

Have a look at some of the websites below to find out how you can keep your children safe at home around digital media.  In school, we teach the children the skills to support them with making good choices about what information they should share on social media, what to do if they feel uncomfortable about messages they are being sent together with a whole host of other information that we need to be aware of in this digital era.  


National Safety Online have produced some fantastic factsheets which provide useful information and handy tips to help support parents with ways to keep pupils safe at home. 

UK - Safer Internet Centre

This is a great website for both adults and pupils which includes games, quizzes and 'how to' guides for parents.


What a great website!  Full of useful tools for young people including safe gaming, music, social media, mobiles, competitions and much, much more...


Lots of guidance online for parents and carers.


A fantastic website which offers lots of support, resources and guidance from the experts in digital family life. This website also offer a free newsletter which can be a useful support to parents.


Further Information for Parents

As parents we are sure you are aware of all the possible dangers with new and emerging online trends. We have attached for your information below useful links and tips for ways in which you can speak to your child and offer them the best advice and ways to keep themselves safe.


The LGFL website offers some fantastic advice and ways we can keep children safe at home, not focusing on one particular app or games but general advice which can be transferred to all. Further details about why we should not focus on one app or game and be vigilant in general is provided on this link


The Netaware page is excellent and is a site where parents can obtain balanced information about a number of popular apps/games that children often use. It can clarify and give you guidance as to ways in which to help keep your child safe and aware of potential dangers.


The NSPCC offers advice to parents via their Shareaware page about ideas for having conversations about online use and ways to ensure pupils are safe when accessing the increasingly popular Fortnite game. Other popular apps include the lip-syncing app TikTok. The Safer Internet website offers a list of things to be aware of when children may be accessing this app. 


The Parent Hub offers many useful guides to parents for online safety at home. The guides detail what online safety risks there are and steps which parents can take to ensure children remain safe when at home.


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