Attendance and Punctuality

Please see our attendance and punctuality policy for further details.

We refer to the DFE guidance Working together to improve attendance 2024

At Boarshaw Primary School we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. We understand the importance of our pupils being in school each and every day and most importantly on time. Certificates and prizes are offered to pupils who have good attendance in school.

At present we have an attendance display in the entrance of school. Each week during our celebration assembly one class from each key stage, with the best weekly attendance, wins the attendance Super Hero to keep in their class! This class will also receive a treat! Our pupils enjoy the competitive elements of this competition.




       Boarshaw Primary School

       Attendance and punctuality 2024-2025

         School action plan


RED- these are children whose attendance falls below 80%. Immediate EWO involvement .Parents will be asked to attend a meeting. During the meeting we will outline the importance for good attendance and go through the previous year registration certificate.

Parents will receive a phone call on first day of absence.

These children will then be given weekly sticker/certificate for 100% attendance.

Over a term if their attendance is over 95% the child will receive a prize.


RED- these are children whose attendance falls between 80%-89%. Parents will be asked to attend a meeting. During the meeting we will outline the importance for good attendance and go through the attendance policy.

Parents will receive a phone call on first day of absence.

These children will then be given weekly sticker/certificate for 100% attendance.

Over a term if their attendance is over 95% the child will receive a prize.


AMBER-these are children whose attendance falls between 90%-92%. Parents will be asked to attend a meeting. During the meeting we will outline the importance for good attendance and go through attendance policy.

Parents will receive a phone call on first day of absence.

These children will then be given weekly sticker/certificate for 100% attendance.

Over a term if their attendance is over 95% the child will receive a prize.


AMBER-these are the children whose attendance falls between 93%-96%.

The parents of the child will be sent a letter to highlight their attendance and information about why it is vital they attend school.

Parents will receive a phone call on first day of absence.

If attendance does not improve they will be called in for a meeting.

These children will then be given weekly sticker/certificate for 100% attendance.

Over a term if their attendance is over 95% the child will receive a prize.


GREEN- these are the children whose attendance falls between 97%-99%

Certificate every term

GREEN- these are the children whose attendance is100%

Certificate and prize every term


At the end of each term, pupils will be given raffle tickets according to their attendance and punctuality  figure -

Raffle tickets - 95%-97% 1 ticket, 98%-99% -2 tickets 100%- 3tickets

At the end of summer term, there will be three prizes to be won for the pupils who have raffle tickets.


Punctuality –

Children who are persistently late will be identified and the following course of action will apply –

Parents will be asked to come into school for a meeting. During the meeting we will outline expectations. Targets will then be set.

Parents will receive a phone call at 8.15am.

If children are in school on time they will receive a sticker that day.

These children will then be given weekly certificates for 100% punctuality

Over a half term if their punctuality is Boarshaw Brilliant the child will receive a prize.

Over a term if their punctuality is Boarshaw Brilliant the child will receive a prize.


Whole school incentives-

Weekly - winning classes in EYFS/KS1/KS2 receive attendance superhero, prize and star on class chart.

Termly –class with most stars receives a treat afternoon.

Yearly – winning class receives a treat day.

Here are our documents linked to attendance;

Attendance policy and information


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