
Here is your outline of SEND related events in school. This page will be updated regularly so please remember to visit us.  

Every half term we hold a coffee afternoon for parents of children with an SEN. Our last one was on Friday 17th November, the theme was well being. We had support from Early Help, our school speech and language TA, our school social and emotional TA. We also offered a therapeutic painting workshop and hand massages. It was a huge success! 

Here are some suggestions from the event.........



Children's Mental Health Week - 5th -11th February 2024 - further information about this week can be found here. 

World Mental Health day - 10th October 2024 - further information can be found here.

World Autism acceptance week - 1st - 7th April 2024. Further information can be found here.

Deaf awareness Week   - 1st - 7th May 2024. Further information can be found here


Rochdale offer activities for children with SEND. You can find detail of these by clicking here.

There are services that offer support and activities for children with sensory needs. You can find detail of these by clicking here.





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