School Dinners

The school canteen is an exciting and vibrant place for pupils to enjoy with their school dinner or their packed lunch. The content of the school meals is in line with Healthy Eating Guidelines which is a requirement for all schools. We have a fortnightly menu which is below and displayed in the canteen for the students. To have a look at our menu simply click here for Week 1 and Week 2. 

If you are providing your child with a packed lunch the Governing Body request that the contents are healthy and form a balanced diet. Chocolate, sweets and snacks that contain a high level of fats and salt should be avoided.

As we are now a cashless school, dinner money should be paid using your Parent Pay account, and monies should be applied to your account at the beginning of each week. If children want to change from a packed lunch to a school meal, parents must inform the office in advance so that we can change the meal pattern to ensure charges are applied, or similarly if children change from a school meal to a packed lunch, we can ensure charges are not applied. We cannot cater for ad hoc meals and ask that once changes are made that children stay on the same pattern for at least 1 week.

School meals currently cost £13.50 per week (£2.70 per day). 


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