Welcome to Year 2 Lobsters


Welcome to Year 2 Lobsters. My name is Mrs Greenhalgh  and I am your child’s class teacher.  The Teaching Assistants working with us are Miss Brown, Miss Fallon and Mr Gilbert. This year we will be working together to ensure that all children reach their full potential and make good progress across all areas of the curriculum. We are looking forward to working with your child and helping them on their journey throughout this academic year.

In Year 2, we will be focusing on supporting all pupils to become confident readers. We will begin to use Accelerated Reader, where pupils can choose their own books and take a quiz once they have completed their reading. We will also be ensuring all pupils have access to a wide and varied curriculum - which is lots of fun!

Throughout the year we aim to keep parents, carers and families well informed as to what we have been up to. You can follow our journey on Class Dojo, Twitter, Facebook or on Instagram. Our class webpage will also be updated each half term, with our medium term plans, knowledge organisers and class newsletters. 


Our Weekly Timetable



Reading book in school.

Homework set on Spelling Shed and Numbots


Reading book in school.




Reading book in school. PE Day


Reading book in school. PE Day


Reading book in school.

Spelling test in school today



Our weekly homework is a combination of home reading, spellings and maths. Spelling and maths homework will be set online each week. Pupils can access their homework on any device connected to the internet. Pupils are expected to practice these basic skills as often as they can to help ensure they become fluent readers, competent writers and excellent mathematicians! 

All pupils in Year 2 will read books from the Rising Stars Reading Planet range. All books are colour coded and accurately matched to your child's reading ability. The books move from Rocket Phonics to Comet Street and Galaxy books as pupils develop their reading skills. All pupils are encouraged to read at home every night. Reading as often as possible helps pupils to develop their fluency and confidence. Once your child has completed a book, encourage your child to answer the questions in the back of the book. Pupils should regularly re-read their reading books to help build up their understanding of what they have read. All reading books are changed weekly so please ensure you date and sign your child's reading record whenever they read.

All pupils in Year 2 will also bring home a library book and have access to a whole variety of books online using their Myon login. 

Spellings will be set on Spelling Shed (click the link to access the login page). This website uses a variety of games to help pupils to practice their weekly spellings. A spelling test will then take place in school on Friday. Remember little but often helps children to quickly learn their spellings in a fun and enjoyable way.

Maths homework will be set using Numbots each week (click the link to access the login page). Numbots is an online game which aims to improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and calculation facts. All pupils can work through the various stages at their own pace and collect a certificate each time they complete a stage!


Year 2 Curriculum Overview 


We have used the national curriculum and our expertise to map out a broad, balanced, creative and coherent curriculum. We believe our curriculum empowers our pupils to access and develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions to enable them to become well-rounded citizens who take with them a life-long love of learning.


Have a look at the Year 2 Curriculum below.

Year 2 Long Term Plan 2023-2024


Current Academic Year 


Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan 

Autumn 1 History Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 1 Science Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan

Autumn 2 Geography Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2 Science Knowledge Organiser


Spring 1 Medium Term Plan 

Spring 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser 

Spring 1 Science Knowledge Organiser 


Spring 2 Medium Term Plan 

Spring 2 History Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser


Summer 1 Medium Term Plan

Summer 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 Science Knowledge Organiser


Our Newsletters

Keep up-to-date with information about each term and find out what we are learning through our class newsletters.

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 Newsletter

Spring 2 Newsletter

Summer 1 Newsletter 


Boarshaw Primary Promise

This is what we aim for all our pupils to have achieved by the end of the year.

 Boarshaw Primary Promise 








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