Child Protection and Safeguarding at Boarshaw Primary


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at our school is Abigail Facchin.  The Link Safeguarding Governor is  Osagie Omonjahio.

 The school safeguarding team 



Deputy DSL’s in school are Jackie Harland, Nicola Wilson, Sadia Riaz, Lisa Thackway and Louise Dunn. If a child is worried about something and needs an adult to talk to, these are the people to go to. However all staff at Boarshaw Primary have had the appropriate level of safeguarding training and a pupil can speak to whoever they feel comfortable talking to. 

All staff, whether paid or voluntary, have a crucial role to play in shaping the lives of children and young people.  They have a unique opportunity to interact with children in ways that are both affirming and inspiring. All staff are in a position of trust and have a duty to keep children and young people safe and to protect them from neglect and physical and emotional harm.  This duty is in part exercised through the development of respectful, caring and professional relationships between staff and pupils. All staff are familiar with local child protection arrangements and understand their responsibilities in order to safeguard and protect children and young people. All staff will immediately report any concerns regarding child welfare Mrs Facchin, the safeguarding lead. 

In November, all the children took part in NSPCC 'speak out, stay safe' programme. 




Named Teacher for C4C pupils is Abigail Facchin.

Our E-safety Lead is Sadia Riaz. Further detail and links about E-safety can be found on our webpage

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy can be found here;

Child Protection and safeguarding

Keeping Children safe in education can be found here.

In addition to this as a school we also provide Early Help to our families. The Guide for Families document outlines what Early Help is, why a family might need or want Early Help and the types of support which would then be provided. 


Contacts for Parents and Pupils

Follow the links below for help and support…


NSPCC 0800 800 5000


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