The Eco Schools Team

Welcome to the webpage for the Eco Team at Boarshaw Primary School!


What does the Eco Team do?

The Eco Team meet regularly to think of ways to care for the environment and the world around us. Pupils in the Eco Team are passionate about ways in which they can make a difference. You can keep track with the decisions we make and discussions we have by looking at the minutes from our meetings, which are attached below. The Eco Team continues help us to maintain our recent Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. We are very proud of our work within school and the local community that has helped us to develop our Eco-Schools team. The team have worked through the stages of the bronze award, silver award and we are now the proud owners of a Green Flag Award. As a team we have three main areas that we are developing in school litter, waste and school grounds. 


Why are we a Green Flag school?

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. As a school we worked up to the Green Flag level by achieving Bronze and Silver awards which are the self-accredited stepping stones. Children were able to showcase their fantastic work during the application process and this was assessed by the Eco-schools assessors. The Eco-team are incredibly proud of their hard work. They continue to promote an Eco-friendly school through their focus on Litter, Waste and the development of the school grounds.


Who is on the Eco Team?

Pupils from each class are on the Eco Team. They can be easily identified as they will be wearing an Eco Team badge. If you have any suggestions or comments about ways to care for the environment at our school speak to the team member in your class or to Mrs Greenhalgh.


The Eco Code

In May 2018, The Eco Team created an Eco Code to display in all classes across school. This hopes to help our pupils to think about and protect the environment. 


Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme 2019

The Eco-School team will be recycling empty crisp packets. These can be from home and from packed lunches. The empty crisp packets will be collected weekly for recycling in order to reduce the amount of waste going into local landfill. Please send ones from home in a carrier bag with your child on a weekly basis.


Eco Team Minutes 2018-2019

Minutes of Meeting - October 2018


Minutes From Previous Meetings

Minutes of Meeting - Autumn 1 2017 

Minutes of Meeting - Spring 1 2018

Minutes of Meeting - Spring 2 2018

Minutes of Meeting - Summer 2018

Minutes of Meeting - 6th December 2016 

Minutes of Meeting - 11th October 2016


Previous involvement from the Eco-Team


The Local Allotment

We often work alongside the local Allotment to grow vegetables that we can use for cookery in school. This also helps us to develop our involvement in the local community.




School Litter Pickers

The Eco Team often work to reduce the amount of litter in the schools grounds by going litter picking. Watch out for pictures of them in action on our social media feeds. 



We often use the school grounds to plant bulbs and plant herbs. Each day we collect the waste fruit to create our own compost which can be used for gardening and growing own our vegetables. Have a look at our great gardening skills! 



Water Coolers at Boarshaw Primary

We at Boarshaw Primary School are aware that keeping our children hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the school day.  As a result, we decided to invest in watercoolers from AquAid.  Our unique relationship with AquAid has also given our school the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Our decision to install a water cooler from AquAid means that for each machine that we have, we have donated £20 per year per cooler to The Africa Trust.  Through our contributions to The Africa Trust, an ‘Elephant Pump’ is being installed in Africa on our behalf.  This pump will bring much needed, clean, fresh drinking water and improve the quality of life of those who will have access to our well.

Our school's name will be displayed proudly on our well and we look forward to adding some photos and letters of thanks from the villages to our site in the near future.

Our Water Cooler is from


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