Year 6 - Bowling and Laser Quest

Image of Year 6 - Bowling and Laser Quest

Bowling and Laser Quest

What a great day we had at Sandbrook park - bowling, laser quest, buffet lunch and time on the arcades!  Just what we needed after SATs.

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Year 6 - Commonwealth Art Work

Wow, Year 6 have been extremely busy over the last few days creating artwork based on the Commonwealth, celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday.  

We would love to share this with you but that would spoil the surprise..... so we look forward to seeing you at our art exhibition on 7th June…

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Year 6 - STEM week: Anderson shelters WWII

Image of Year 6 - STEM week: Anderson shelters WWII

STEM Week March 2016


What a fabulous week we have had, with the children so busy designing and making their Anderson shelters.  We completed some research last week about how and why they were built so that we knew a bit more to be able to design our own.  In addition, we have been to the…

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Year 6 - Fair trade Day

Year 6 Fairtrade Day

We started the day with a game of the ‘Fair Trade Game’. Parents joined us as the children were split in to 5 countries. Each country was given a pack of resources.

General rules

  1. Resources can only be purchased at the ‘world rate’. No swapping, ‘undercutting’…
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Year 6 - Harry Potter World Book Day

Image of Year 6 - Harry Potter World Book Day

Year 6 had a great day on Thursday for World Book Day! We were massively impressed with the children’s efforts and their outfits were incredible! After arriving through the wall at Platform 9 ¾ , the children were greeted by Professor Dumbledore (Mrs Thackway) to begin the day’s activities at…

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Year 6 - Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter

Image of Year 6 - Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter

What a memorable day! Year 6 set off on Monday morning (dressed as evacuees from WW2) with their rationed lunches tucked away in their hand-made gas mask boxes. They really did look the part! On arrival at the museum, the children were immediately engaged in a historical role-play day where the…

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Year 6 - We're being bombed!

Image of Year 6 - We're being bombed!

Wow!  What a morning!  When we first arrived in school, we had to crawl under a camouflage net and avoid the bombing in London.  Every time the air raid siren went off, we carried out our ‘drill’, hiding under the tables to take shelter!

During the rest of the morning, we imagined how we would…

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Year 6 - Survival Day

Image of Year 6 - Survival Day

What an AMAZING day!!!!!!

We had a brilliant day as part of our 'Frozen Kingdom' topic doing:

- erecting tents
- cooking: veg sausages and beans
- marshmallows over the fire 
- learning how to tie knots
- building shelters for an animal to live in
- create a game to keep them warm but…

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E-safety day in Year 6

Image of E-safety day in Year 6

WOW!  We have learned so much today.  Mr Brookes was really insightful and helped us realise what imformation we can and shouldn't share on social media.  He also gave us chance to consider the kind of images we should be sharing and those that would mean we were breaking the law such as sending…

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Year 6 - Chinese New Year

Image of Year 6 - Chinese New Year

2016 - Year of the Monkey

For Chinese New Year, we learnt about the different animals that were used to represent the Chinese years, and how this is based on the lunar calendar.  Furthermore, we found out why red is the colour predominantly used, together with different ways in which they…

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Year 6 - 'Release the Penguin' investigation

Image of Year 6 - 'Release the Penguin' investigation

We have been VERY busy in Stingray, trying to release penguins that were 'trapped' in ice.  To find out how to release the penguin, we planned and carried out an investigation to find out how we could speed up how quickly ice cubes will melt.  Some of our skills were impressive, with pupils…

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Coding in Year 6

Image of Coding in Year 6

Coding has got off to a great start in Year 6 this half term!  We can move the 'angry bird' to the pig quite confidently and this week have started using more complex patterns to do this, involving repeating an instruction given to the 'angry bird'.  I wonder how far we will get at generating our…

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