STEM Week March 2016


What a fabulous week we have had, with the children so busy designing and making their Anderson shelters.  We completed some research last week about how and why they were built so that we knew a bit more to be able to design our own.  In addition, we have been to the Anderson shelter in Stockport to get a first hand experience!  

The children had to choose all their own resources and in their designing stage ensure that:

  • it could support a 1kg weight
  • fit a lego man through the front door
  • be waterproof

As the children made their Anderson shelters, some chose to continually test these ideas and modify their design.  Some of the shelters are absolutely brilliant and everyone has tried very hard to implement their design ideas.  Final photographs will follow!

We have also begun to create persuasive leaflets to encourage people during war time to invest in a shelter and we can't wait to see how these will turn out.

Furthermore, we were lucky enough to be involved in a STEM careers fair, when people came in to show us what they did in their jobs such as a nurse, physiotherapist, Hopwood Hall College (their courses) and a dentist.  We found out so much about different career paths and though about what jobs we might like in the future.

Excellent work Year 6!