Year 1 Celebrate World Book Day 2018

Image of Year 1 Celebrate World Book Day 2018
On the 1st March 2018 Year 1 celebrated World Book Day! All pupils came to school dressed as either a book character or a Horrible Histories character! Have a look at our amazing costumes!


Throughout the day, pupils had the chance to participate in book-based activities. We also created…
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All about London

As part of our topic ' A Diary of London' we have been researching London. We have been able to gather facts about differnet landmarks in London such as Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye and Buckingham Palace. We created non-fiction posters using ICT. Our work was amazing and we really enjoyed…

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Knights and Castles

Image of Knights and Castles


What a fanatastic term Reception have had. After we had found the dragon egg we began to learn about knights and castles. We acted out the roles in the castle and talked about the features of a castle. Reception read their own non-fiction book about castles and then built castles…
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Year 1 Visit Lancaster Farm

Image of Year 1 Visit Lancaster Farm

Year 1 visited Lancaster Farm and through enjoyed the whole experience. We enjoyed seeing the animals as our topic this term has focused on naming animals and identifying which group they belong to. We have looked at and named body parts, recognising similarities and differences between species.…

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Image of Dragons!

Dragon's Egg

At the beginning of this half term, Reception were surprised to find an egg in our playground. After further investigation we found it was from a dragon and he wanted us to look after whatever was inside. We wrote to the Dragon to tell him we would look after it. The next morning,…
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Year 1 Colour Chaos!

Image of Year 1 Colour Chaos!

Year 1 have transformed into artists this half term, exploring and recreating the work of Mondrian, Rothko, Klee, Pollock and Delaunay. We found out more about primary and secondary colours, ways to mix colours and create shades and tints.


We found out that Piet Mondrian was born in the…

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World Book Day

The children set off on World Book Day exploring the school trying to find Wally amongst the classrooms, corridors and library. The children, who gathered the most Wallies on their hunt, gained points for their team. They then came back to class to discuss their favourite books; where they liked…

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World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

Year 3 Seahorses have created wonderful book reviews for World Book Day 2018

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Year 5 Orienteering Afternoon

Image of Year 5 Orienteering Afternoon

Year 5 Orienteering afternoon:


On Thursday 22nd February the pupils in Year 5 got the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of some of the greatest adventurers this proud nation has produced. Looking on with interest was Shackleton, Fiennes, Grylls and Brian Blessed to see if the next…
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Dairy of London Memorable Experience

Image of Dairy of London Memorable Experience

Today Year 2 Penguin class walked into the classroom and met an unexpected visitor. Paddington Bear was waiting at the front of the classroom with a very important letter for the children.  He also had a special London book for us to read aloud to the class after reading the exciting letter.

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Year 5 Memorable Experience

Image of Year 5 Memorable Experience

Year 5 Memorable Experience

21 February 2018

Year 5 Memorable Experience

On Tuesday the 9th January Year 5 Coral and Lionfish went on a school visit to the Museum of Science and Industry in central Manchester. This trip was to be the “Memorable Experience” that kick starts our new…
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Reception Clownfish Memorable Experience

Our Visit to Touchstones Museum

Reception had an exciting time at Touchstones Museum as part of our 'Fairytales' topic. We listened to a story all about the Gingerbread Man and his visit to the museum. We hunted for clues around the museum and enjoyed making our own paper gingerbread men to…
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