Book Competition

Image of Book Competition

We Love Books!

During the school closure, Rochdale Council asked pupils across the borough to take part in a very special book competition. The competition focused on recreating famous book covers at home using whatever they could find. Have a look at these fantastic covers. Well done to…

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Year 2 Memorable Experience

Image of Year 2 Memorable Experience

Year 2 Memorable Experience

Year 2 will be learning about the Great Fire of London this half term. To help set up the experience we started to find out in our classes all about what happened and the sequence of key events. We used books, videos and the Internet to help us to research and…

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Christmas Dinner 2018

Well we all had a fantastic time and everyone filled their bellies with tantalising turkey, scrumptious stuffing, perfectly cooked parsnips, crunchy carrots, marvellous mashed potato, ridiculously good roast potatoes and topped off with a generous helping of gorgeous gravy!

It didn't go…

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The Snowman

Image of The Snowman

As a class we have been writing about the fantastic story The Snowman. We have been able to write character descriptions, setting descriptions and imagine we were the Snowman on that eventful Christmas Eve. We made cross curricular links with art and used tissue paper to create a collage of the…

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Year 5 Memorable Experience

The Ancient Greeks 

We have been learning about ‘The Ancient Greeks’ and as part of our memorable experience we visited Touchstones Musuem in Rochdale. 

We were treated on arrival by two time travellers who needed our help. A murder had been committed and we needed to solve the Ancient Greek…

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We have learnt all about toys!

Image of We have learnt all about toys!

As part of our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic this term we have looked at toys and all of the different kinds. At the beginning of the term we had the opportunity to bring in our favourite toy. We loved presenting our favourite toy with the rest of the class, before playing and sharing them with our…

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Year 4 Jellyfish Bug Hunt

Image of Year 4 Jellyfish Bug Hunt

Year 4 Jellyfish - Bug Hunt


In Science last week, our pupils undertook and adventure that saw them follow in the footsteps of the great Sir David Attenborough! Our experiment this week included a "bug hunt" where our pupils ventured into the wilds of the playground to locate and capture a…

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Year 2 Visit Middleton Library

Image of Year 2 Visit Middleton Library

Year 2 visited Middleton Library on Monday 5th November 2018. We were looking forward to the opportunity of going there and being able to read for pleasure. We walked down on a cold morning and were greeted upon our arrival. We had the opportunity to explore the children’s library and have the…

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World War One

Image of World War One

Year 5 have been learning about World War One to remember the soldiers who fought for our country from 1914-1918. We have been visited by a soldier this week and we have learnt all the skills a soldier needed to survive in WW1. As a class we have researched the main events of the war and looked at…

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Nursery Rhymes

We have had a very busy term. We have settled into our new classroom well and classroom routines. We have done a lot of learning this term we have learnt a variety of nursery rhymes ranging from Incy Wincy Spider, Old McDonald, Humpty Dumpty, Mary Mary and many more.


We had a fantastic…

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Year 2 Visit from the Edgar Wood Society

Image of Year 2 Visit from the Edgar Wood Society

Year 2 were privileged to receive a visit from the Edgar Wood Society. Our guests brought along none other than Mr Wood himself!


He had travelled through time to come and talk to Year 2 about his work and early life in Middleton. Mr Wood was very surprised at how different Middleton…

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Year 2 Marvellous Middleton

Image of Year 2 Marvellous Middleton

During Autumn 1, our topic was called Marvellous Middleton and as I am sure you can guess, we were finding out all about the amazing place where we live. Middleton has such a rich history with so many significant places and people who have lived here. One such person is Edgar Wood.


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