21 February 2018
Year 5 Memorable Experience
21 February 2018
Year 5 Memorable Experience
On Tuesday the 9th January Year 5 Coral and Lionfish went on a school visit to the Museum of Science and Industry in central Manchester. This trip was to be the “Memorable Experience” that kick starts our new topic this term “Fantastic Britons and where to find them.” Over the course of the day our pupils were introduced to some of the amazing Mancunians who have helped to invent the modern world as we know it.
Located at the venue was the first ever passenger train service in the world. The children were given a talk about the properties of steam and how it was used to power the industrial revolution. The “Revolution Manchester” demonstration included some experiments which our pupils were very keen to get involved with. In fact, one child was lucky enough to assist with an experiment that showed how steam power could be used to help keep a ball in the air.
Afterwards we ascended to the “Experiment Gallery” where the pupils enjoyed a whole range of interactive science challenges.
Exhausted by thirty minutes of science mayhem, we split off into groups to explore the other displays in the museum. First stop was the 1830s warehouse which homes displays dedicated to Manchester’s role in the communication industry. The building fascinated the children as it has hardly been touched in the last 180 years. It gave an authentic feel of those early Victorian warehouses: with its low ceilings, uneven wooden floors and dim lighting.
After lunch we were treated to another demonstration in the main building. This time the theme was “Human versus Machines.” This talk highlighted the regions contribution to the invention of the first computers. In fact, one of Alan Turing’s earliest machines was on display in the main hall. Again, the pupils where keen to get involved in the demonstrations and an unfortunate member of staff was asked to get compete against a robot! The children took part in a dance off against a robot. The children managed to gain a point as the robot had only learnt one dance, Gangnam Style! It is fair to say that the pupils were fascinated by this talk and in particular the robot dog who displayed some amazing powers of memory. Humans came out on top in the end with a 2-1 lead.