Kipper's Birthday!

This week we have been celebrating Kipper's Birthday!

After reading the story, we received a letter and parcel from Kipper. We were so excited to see what he wanted to tell us. He needed our help to make his friend, Tiger's, birthday party extra special. First we had to make party hats for…

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Being Doctors

This week we have been learning all about our body. We looked at our different body parts and how many of each we have, what different parts of our body do and how to look after them. 

We used First Aid kits to help look after some teddies that were hurt. First we had to identify where they…

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Nursery Sea Turtles - PE Games and Babies!

During week two, one of our favourite things was our PE lesson. 

In our first PE session, we played lots of exciting games with the parachute!

First we had to wake the parachute! It had been very sleepy and we had to shake it slowly then quickly to make sure it had woken up properly! We…

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EYFS - Settling In

We have been super busy at school making new friends and exploring! During the first week we have spent our time settling in to our new environment and meeting lots of new faces, whilst having lots of fun!

We are so excited to learn new things. This half term, our topic is 'Why am I…

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Chick, chick, chick, chick chicken

Image of Chick, chick, chick, chick chicken

Last week we had a very special delivery. 7 eggs arrived in foundation stage. We watched and watched then finally on Wednesday morning we saw a little crack and at 9:05 we had our first chick which was quickly named 'Flash'. Later that afternoon we had our second little crack and saw the birth of…

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We're learning about the farm

Image of We're learning about the farm

This term Foundation Stage will be learning all about life on the farm. We will start our topic thinking about the different animals that live on the farm where they live. We will learn about the busy job that a farmer has and the different foods we get from farms. We will be learning to describe…

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Easter Egg Hunt

Image of Easter Egg Hunt

On the last day of the Spring Term the Easter Bunny visited Foundation. 


The children enjoyed searching for all the eggs he had left hidden on the playground. The children worked together in teams to collect eggs and we counted them at the end to find out who had collected the most. The…

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World Climate Day

Today Foundation Stage have been learning about World Climate Day.

We have been thinking about the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We thought about the ways in which we waste electricity and then wrote a pledge on a carbon footprint. The children thought of different things they can do to…

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Fantastic numbers

In maths this week Foundation have been learning all about numbers and how to count. We have also been learning how to find one more and one less.  We were counting out sweets in a bag and matching them to the correct numeral and we also worked out one more and one less. 

The cheeky…

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Hocus Pocus

This week Foundation have been reading the story Hansel and Gretel as part of our topic about witches and wizards.

The children have been acting out the story in our story shed. We have had some very nasty witches and some fantastic acting!


The children have also built their…

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The Balloon Experiment!

Foundation have really enjoyed learning about how rockets move! 

Today we carried out the balloon experiment to see how forces can make things move. Lots of us guessed what was going to happen when we let go of the balloon full of air!


Please look on our twitter to watch the videos…

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Food Tasting

Nursery really enjoyed tasting food that is eaten during Diwali!


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