Creative Artwork

Image of Creative Artwork

We wanted to use the rocks we collected on our rock hunt. We looked at the artwork created by Andy Goldsworthy and felt very inspired! Look at the amazing artwork we created! 

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Geography Research

Image of Geography Research

Year 3 have been been researching using the iPads this week. We wanted to find out more about the Earth's layers. We could name the different layers we found and used the search engine to find out key facts about each layer. 

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Special Guest

Image of Special Guest

On Wednesday afternoon, Reception had a visit from a Hedgehog! The children have been learning all about hedgehogs during out topic about Autumn.  We have found out where hedgehogs live and what they eat. Reception were amazing at asking questions and listened carefully to the answers. 


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Beep Beep Day

Image of Beep Beep Day

Foundation Stage enjoyed Beep Beep day. We dressed up in bright clothes and talked about how we can be seen in the dark.


We made traffic light cakes and even got to practice fasterning our own seat belt!

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Road Safety

Image of Road Safety

Foundation stage have been learning how to cross the road. The children learned to stay away from the road when walking down the pavement.They then found a safe place to cross and followed the road safety rules. STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. The children then safely crossed the road.

Our local…

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Outdoor learning

Image of Outdoor learning

With the weather turning wet and windy the children have enjoyed exploring the changes in the outdoor environment. 

Oliwia and Ethan used the wind catchers to explore how the wind makes things move. 

Kai made himself a hat but soon realised he had a problem, "The holes let the rain…

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Image of Autumn

Foundation stage have been learning all about the changes in our environment during autumn.We read the book Leaf Man by Ala Notable, collected lots of different leaves and then made pictures using these leaves.


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Remembrance day

Image of Remembrance day

Foundation stage have been learning all about remembrance day. They have completed lots of poppy crafts.




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Coding in Year 6

Image of Coding in Year 6

Coding has got off to a great start in Year 6 this half term!  We can move the 'angry bird' to the pig quite confidently and this week have started using more complex patterns to do this, involving repeating an instruction given to the 'angry bird'.  I wonder how far we will get at generating our…

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2D Shape

Image of 2D Shape

Year 3 have been investigating the properties of 2D shapes. We sorted shapes according to their properties and can now recognise which shapes have a right angle! 

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Image of Poetry

This week we have been concentrating on writing poems. We have been looking at some key features of poetry which include onomatopoeia. We can now confidently recognise and use these words! 

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Rock Hunt

Image of Rock Hunt

Year 3 went on a fantastic rock hunt last week to Hopwood Woods. The children collected lots of different rocks and this week we will be washing our rocks and investigate our findings! 

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