Musical Volcanic Eruptions!

Image of Musical Volcanic Eruptions!

Year 3 Seahorses watched a video of a volcanic eruption. However it had no music to accompany it! The children worked in groups to compose their own music! We performed our 'volcanic eruption musical' in small groups and then as a whole class!

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Using Maps

Image of Using Maps

Year 3 Seahorses have been looking at maps linked to our topic of tremors. The children developed their map skills by locating the countries which have famous well-known volcanoes. Miss Riaz was very impressed with the work they completed. Have a look at twitter for some examples of this…

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Sorting Rocks - Science

Image of Sorting Rocks - Science

Year 3 thought about the properties of rocks. We thought showered our ideas and then sorted the rocks we collected according to these properties. 

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Types of Rocks!

Image of Types of Rocks!

Year 3 wanted to find out why all rocks looked different. We used the internet to research and find out what types of rocks there are and even more importantly how they are formed. We shared our findings with the class. 

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Remembrance Day

Image of Remembrance Day

Year 3 worked as a team to each create a paper poppy. We followed a set of instructions and then combined our efforts to create our own wreath. We were so proud of our finished product. We now display this proudly in our classroom. 

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Image of Diwali

As part of British Values, we have been interested to find out about different faiths. We have enjoyed researching how Hindus celebrate the festival of light, Diwali. We wanted to create our own Rangoli patterns using coloured sand. It was much harder than it looked! 

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Volcano Attack!

Image of Volcano Attack!

Our topic this half term is called Tremors and through our topic we have been learning about volcanic eruptions! We thought it would be interesting to create artwork based on this so we used a variety of different materials and techniques. I am sure you will be impressed by our amazing work! 

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Money Challenge!

Image of Money Challenge!

Year 3 have started to look at money this week. We could name the different coins and could pay for items using the correct amount of money. Miss Riaz decided to challenge us so she asked us to make the amounts using the fewest number of coins! We enjoyed this challenge very much! 

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Creative Artwork

Image of Creative Artwork

We wanted to use the rocks we collected on our rock hunt. We looked at the artwork created by Andy Goldsworthy and felt very inspired! Look at the amazing artwork we created! 

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Geography Research

Image of Geography Research

Year 3 have been been researching using the iPads this week. We wanted to find out more about the Earth's layers. We could name the different layers we found and used the search engine to find out key facts about each layer. 

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2D Shape

Image of 2D Shape

Year 3 have been investigating the properties of 2D shapes. We sorted shapes according to their properties and can now recognise which shapes have a right angle! 

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Image of Poetry

This week we have been concentrating on writing poems. We have been looking at some key features of poetry which include onomatopoeia. We can now confidently recognise and use these words! 

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