Fairtrade in Foundation Stage

Image of Fairtrade in Foundation Stage

On Friday Foundation Stage had a wonderful time with their parents at the Fairtrade breakfast. 


Children learnt about where diffferent foods come from and the difference between fairtrade and non-fairtrade. We watched a video about Pablo's Banana's and found out about where bananas…

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Money, Money, Money!

Image of Money, Money, Money!

Foundation stage have been learning about money this week. 

This week we have been learning about the different coins and which coins we would use to pay for each item in our toy shop. 

Owen could match the right coins to the price tag. 


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World Climate Day

Today Foundation Stage have been learning about World Climate Day.

We have been thinking about the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We thought about the ways in which we waste electricity and then wrote a pledge on a carbon footprint. The children thought of different things they can do to…

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Foundation at Hogwarts!

Foundation have had a magical day at Hogwarts. 

First we had to be sorted into a house - Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin! It was exciting trying on the Sorting Hat to find out where we were going to be housed. 




Next, we enjoyed taking parts in…

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Fantastic numbers

In maths this week Foundation have been learning all about numbers and how to count. We have also been learning how to find one more and one less.  We were counting out sweets in a bag and matching them to the correct numeral and we also worked out one more and one less. 

The cheeky…

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Hocus Pocus

This week Foundation have been reading the story Hansel and Gretel as part of our topic about witches and wizards.

The children have been acting out the story in our story shed. We have had some very nasty witches and some fantastic acting!


The children have also built their…

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The Balloon Experiment!

Foundation have really enjoyed learning about how rockets move! 

Today we carried out the balloon experiment to see how forces can make things move. Lots of us guessed what was going to happen when we let go of the balloon full of air!


Please look on our twitter to watch the videos…

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Special Guest

Image of Special Guest

On Wednesday afternoon, Reception had a visit from a Hedgehog! The children have been learning all about hedgehogs during out topic about Autumn.  We have found out where hedgehogs live and what they eat. Reception were amazing at asking questions and listened carefully to the answers. 


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Beep Beep Day

Image of Beep Beep Day

Foundation Stage enjoyed Beep Beep day. We dressed up in bright clothes and talked about how we can be seen in the dark.


We made traffic light cakes and even got to practice fasterning our own seat belt!

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Road Safety

Image of Road Safety

Foundation stage have been learning how to cross the road. The children learned to stay away from the road when walking down the pavement.They then found a safe place to cross and followed the road safety rules. STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. The children then safely crossed the road.

Our local…

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Outdoor learning

Image of Outdoor learning

With the weather turning wet and windy the children have enjoyed exploring the changes in the outdoor environment. 

Oliwia and Ethan used the wind catchers to explore how the wind makes things move. 

Kai made himself a hat but soon realised he had a problem, "The holes let the rain…

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Food Tasting

Nursery really enjoyed tasting food that is eaten during Diwali!


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