The Scented Garden

Image of The Scented Garden

This half term, year 2 are learning about their new topic The Scented Garden. The main aims of the topic are to dveelop understanding of plants and how they grow. 

The topic began with a memeorable experience. We recieved an exciting package from a comapny called 'Sow and Grow'. The package…

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Bottoms, Burps and Bile

Image of Bottoms, Burps and Bile

Bottoms, Burps and Bile: Update:


Last half term the pupils of Year 4 Starfish explored the mysteries of the human body!!! In January we looked at a range of healthy and tasty snacks. We cooked sweet potatoes, parsnips and carrots in a special olive oil and curry powder mix. After fifty…

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Fairy Tale Clues!

Which stories do we know?

Today we received a letter from Tinkerbell. She had left us some clues to help us guess the different fairy tales. 

Our first clue was a red cape. We had to think long and hard about this...

Yes we finally guessed it was Little Red Riding Hood.

Next we…

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Did Dragon's Exist?

Image of Did Dragon's Exist?

During Spring 2 Reception learnt all about dragons, knights and castles. We started off the topic by finding some dragon's eggs and talking about what we already knew about them. We looked at the book 'The Little Dragon.' The week after a big dragon visited us and we wrote our own story about the…

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Did Dragon's Exist?

Image of Did Dragon's Exist?

During Spring 1 Reception have been learning all about dragons, knights and castles. We started off the topic by finding some dragon eggs and discussed what we knew about dragons. We looked at the book 'The Little Dragon,' and created our own story about a big dragon. The big dragon came to visit…

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Castle Dress Up day

Castle Fun

To end our topic 'Did dragons exist?' we had a castle dress up day. The children and staff came dressed as knights, dragons and princesses. They all looked fantastic!

We then found out about the different jobs people would have to do in a castle. The children then pretended to…

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Local Area walk

Last week we walked around the local area as part of our Georgraphy lesson. We looked out for all the different signs, shops and buildings to understand what our local area is like.

This week in our Engish lessons we all wrote instructions about our journey home from school. The local walk…

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Street Detectives

We have visited the local area as part of our topic Street Detectives. We have also been busy writing instructions. 

Have a look! 


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Young Leaders Award

Image of Young Leaders Award

This half term, Year 5 are taking part in an exciting project titled 'Young Leaders Award'. The aim of the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Awards is to equip young people to ‘be the change they want to see’ in their local communities. 

The project's mascot, Archie B (see image above)…

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Welcome back to a New Year

Burps, Bottoms and Bile!


Jellyfish have definitely started the New Year with a kick start. Our topic for this half term is Burps, Bottoms and Bile. Yes, you guessed it! We will be learning all about the human body in all its glory. 


Starting with the mouth and teeth, Jellyfish have…

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Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week Penguin class have been writing about 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' story. We have been writing reasons for and against the Billy Goats being allowed to cross the bridge as well as writing some fantastic letters of complaint.

We have worked hard to ensure the Fairy Tale Chief (the…

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Remembrance Day poems

Today in class we  discussed why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We had a 2 minute silence before tying up our lovely Poppy Poems onto the fence near the school entrance.

We have spent a few lessons creating our poems after looking at lots of examples and vocabulary.


Here are some of our…

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