What a fabulous World Book Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  They entered school today at platform 9 and 3/4'S and were met by Harry potter (cardboard cut out I'm afraid).  Each child was placed into a house and they had to earn house points all day.  The winning house will be announced in assembly tomorrow.The children began their day by making magic wands and then writing spells in Latin, to either make their subject laugh uncontrolablly, or to hang their subject upside down.  If you cannot stop laughing, then you know why.  The children took part in a game of Quiddage and a treasure hunt. The dinner hall was laid out like the great hall in Harry Potter's school.  Balloons floated up to the ceilings and the tables had centre pieces.  Later in the daythe  children had a glass of Butter Beer, some liked and some thought it was disgusting. Each child left with a World Book Day bag and a headful of wonderful memories. We're all looking forward to World Book day next year!!!