World book day is Thursday 2nd March. Children may come to school dressed as their favourite book character or in their own clothes and bring their favourite book instead. Popular costumes are Peter Pan, Matilda, Harry Potter, Winnie the Witch, Cinderella, Iron Man, Hulk. 


World Book Day Themed Meal

To celebrate World Book Day, there will be a themed meal cooked by Paulette and her team. The menu includes Hagrid's hotdogs, Where's Wally wedges, Jack's Magic beans followed by James and the giant peach crumble and custard.  If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they automatically booked in for this meal. All children currently on Free School Meals will receive this lunch aswell. All other children should let the office know and send in £2.05 for their school meal no later than Monday 27th February.