The Snowman

Image of The Snowman

As a class we have been writing about the fantastic story The Snowman. We have been able to write character descriptions, setting descriptions and imagine we were the Snowman on that eventful Christmas Eve. We made cross curricular links with art and used tissue paper to create a collage of the…

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Year 5 Memorable Experience

The Ancient Greeks 

We have been learning about ‘The Ancient Greeks’ and as part of our memorable experience we visited Touchstones Musuem in Rochdale. 

We were treated on arrival by two time travellers who needed our help. A murder had been committed and we needed to solve the Ancient Greek…

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World War One

Image of World War One

Year 5 have been learning about World War One to remember the soldiers who fought for our country from 1914-1918. We have been visited by a soldier this week and we have learnt all the skills a soldier needed to survive in WW1. As a class we have researched the main events of the war and looked at…

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Year 2 Memorable Experience

Image of Year 2 Memorable Experience

Would you like to travel into the unkonwn? 

In this fascinating topic we will become explorers and discover places like Space, the desert and The Amazon Rainforest. 

We began our topic with the Mysterious Traveller by Mal Peet. As a class we explored a significant picture, discussed the…

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All about London

As part of our topic ' A Diary of London' we have been researching London. We have been able to gather facts about differnet landmarks in London such as Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye and Buckingham Palace. We created non-fiction posters using ICT. Our work was amazing and we really enjoyed…

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Paddington's visit to Boarshaw Community Primary School

Image of Paddington's visit to Boarshaw Community Primary School

A Diary of London.

This topic has focused on London today and the history of The Great Fire of London. 

To start our topic we recieved a letter from Paddington Bear. He explained that he would be learning alongside us this term in Year 2 and he was looking forward to reading our writing. As…

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Moz the Monster

Image of Moz the Monster

Our English this week has been based on the Christmas John Lewis advert 'Moz the Monster'. We have been able to describe Moz, make predictions about the present he leaves the boy and write a letter to thank him for his present. We enjoyed talking about our monsters that we find under the bed at…

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Where Do We Belong?

Where Do We Belong? 

In Year 2 this term our topic is 'Where Do We Belong?' We have been learning about Middleton and the history of a local architect called Edgar Wood. He designed buildings around Middleton, Rochdale and Manchester. Some of these buildings are still around today. As…
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The Scented Garden

Image of The Scented Garden

This half term, year 2 are learning about their new topic The Scented Garden. The main aims of the topic are to dveelop understanding of plants and how they grow. 

The topic began with a memeorable experience. We recieved an exciting package from a comapny called 'Sow and Grow'. The package…

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Street Detectives

We have visited the local area as part of our topic Street Detectives. We have also been busy writing instructions. 

Have a look! 


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