Health Professionals


We started off this term by looking at Doctors and Dentists. We had a visit from the Dental Nurse who told us all about how to keep our teeth healthy and clean. We then learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy and what different food we should eat. 




In Maths this term we have been doing lots of counting and recognising numbers. We have counted teeth, people and lots of other objects. We have been learning what happens when a superhero took people away and then counted to find how many left. The children are great at counting and we are looking forward to working with numbers above 10 after Christmas. 





The children have been working very hard in phonics and they are beginning to apply these skills to their independent learning. They are all starting to hear sounds in words and some children are beginning to read simple words. The children impressed myself and Mrs Beehan recently by writing words all by themsleves...........



We have had a great term in Reception. We are looking forward to a new term with a new topic - 'Who lives in Happily Ever After?'