In English, Year 4 are reading Shakespeare's The Tempest. The play is all about a powerful wizard called Prospero who controls the magical inhabitants of a dessert island using his ancient spell book, staff and mystical spirit servants. We have been using the text as inspiration for creative writing of our own, including some rhyming storm poems to describe the violent tempest at the beginning of the play.

Here are some of the fantastic poems written by the children:

The Storm

As a huge jagged bolt of lightning makes it hot like the sun,

The evil Duke on board the ship has no where to run.

The black sea boils with anger and fear,

Those sailors don't know that my island is near.

As Miranda wails she thinks they may die,

So from the shore she chooses to spy.

By Caitlin Leatherbarrow


The Storm

As I stand on my tiny island alone and strong,

I can see a boat that will be here before long.

I send my magical spirit helper Ariel out into the dark night,

On the ship I can see the doomed men fight.

I raise my staff to the sky to crack open the boat,

Surely now the captain will no longer float.

By Daisy Marshall


I was so impressed with the children's rhymes and rhythms! Next, we look forward to plotting the monster Caliban's revenge on his controlling master Prospero.

Well done Year 4!