Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) - Nurture Provision




nurture noun-

care, encouragement, and support given to someone or something while they are growing


At Boarshaw Primary School, nurture is at the heart of everything we do. ‘Nurture’ is not a room that children go to, nor is it the adult they work with. It is everything we believe and do. It is out whole school ethos.

Nurture is the welcome we give, activities we plan, the environments we create, the structures we put in place and the support we give to children and their families.

Nurture is who we are; every member of staff that works at our school has to believe in the importance of nurture.

We believe that children who are nurtured are happy, content and successful. We want our children to thrive, feel safe and be included.


Why Nurture?

The 6 Principles of Nurture


  1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally.


  1. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing.


  1. All behaviour is communication.


  1. The classroom offers a safe base.


  1. Language is a vital means of communication.


  1. The importance of transition in children’s lives.


Welcoming Environments

We pride ourselves on creating calm, engaging and safe spaces within our school. Our Nurture Curriculum takes place in mainstream classrooms, shared spaces, nurture rooms and outdoors. We integrate fully within mainstream provision.

Here are some of our spaces –

The Cove – is our room where we support children who are developmentally aged 12-36 months

The Lagoon – is our room to develop skills for children who are developmentally aged 2-5 years

The Sea Shell – is our sensory room where we go to refocus and regulate our emotions

The Ocean – is our area to support  children who are developmentally aged 5-7

The Rock Pool - is our room to support the development of children aged 8-11



Routines and Activities

  • We know that every child is different and will have different needs on different days. We promote good routines, using resources such as visual timetables and now and then strips to support pupils. We also encourage pupils to engage with a range of adults., not just their key adult. The staff in provision provide daily emotion coaching to support the children throughout the day.       


Here is what a typical day may look like……

  • First thing – meet and greet - daily check in, visual timetables and ‘me time’.

  • Morning sessions - encouraging pupils to engage in English and Maths lessons in their classroom, with support, with regular brain and sensory breaks when needed.

  • Dinner time – lunch in the canteen or Lagoon or Reef. Play time outside or in the nurture room.

  • Afternoon sessions - The aims of these sessions are to promote positive attitudes to school, develop reciprocal relationships with adults and peers and develop social and emotional skills such as resilience and perseverance.  The afternoon sessions consists of focused tasks inside or outside. These can include -  play based learning, Speech and Language work, interventions such as ‘Talkabout’, art and cooking.


Click here to find out about our Nurture Provision 



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