Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday – school is closed
Tuesday 7th May – Netball rally at Cardinal Langley
Wednesday 8th May – Parliament officer visiting Year 4 and 5
Thursday 9th May – no swimming for Year 4 today
Nut allergies
Pupils who bring in a packed lunch should not be bringing in any nut based products including Nutella, snickers, peanut butter sandwiches etc as we have a number of pupils who have nut allergies. If you are unsure please speak to the school office for advice.
Kingswood 2020
Letters have gone out to Year 4 pupils who will be eligible to go on the Kingswood residential next year. If you would like to reserve a place please return the consent form and payment of £40 by 14/10/19.
Mrs Beehan leaves us this week to take up a new position at another primary school. We would like to thank her for her hard work and commitment to the school. We wish her all the very best for the future.
Year 6 Dates
Here are the important dates for pupils and parents for the remainder of this term.
Friday 17th May – Post-SATs treat day! All Year 6 pupils are invited in for pizza and a DVD treat today to say well done and thank you for all their hard work during SATs week. There will be no need to send a packed lunch or dinner money on this day.
Thursday 11th July – Year 6 production at 1.45pm. Parents are invited to attend.
Tuesday 16th July – Year 6 Leavers Party 5.00-6.30pm. Pupils can be collected from 2pm to allow them time to go home and get ready!
Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly at 2pm.
Thursday 18th July – last day at Boarshaw Primary. Pupils are invited to dress up for their party day and bring in an old school shirt for signing.