During Spring term Year 1 have been finding out about plants. We explored our school grounds and found out the names of common flowers and trees. We thought about which plants and trees we have in our own gardens.


We read stories about plants including Jack and the Beanstalk! We really enjoyed this traditional tale and created our own version of the story starring us as the main character! Look at our fantastic front covers!


We decided to grow our own beanstalk and planted our seeds. We monitored the growth of our bean plants over the course of 6 weeks. We measured our bean plants and described what we could see in our bean diaries.


We conducted an experiment to see if a seed needed soil to grow. We predicted that all seeds need soil but look at what we found out!


We found this topic very exciting to learn and find out about. At the end of the topic we could confidently describe the life cycle of a plant and what conditions are the best for a seed to grow in.