Foundation Stage held their very own Olympic Games this morning! 


To kick off our Olympic themed learning, we started with a memorable moment and created our very own Olympic Opening Ceremony and held our own games.

We began by learning about what the Olympic games are, where they will be held this year, what countries take part and what sports take place. We then decorated a flag for a country involved in the Olympics and got ready to use them for our Opening Ceremony.

We were split into different teams before taking part in different Olympic Sports. We had to learn the rules of the sport before taking part ourselves. 

Mrs Beehan taught us how to Long Jump! It was really important that we stretched our legs out as far as we could so that we travelled further. 

Miss Sayers taught us how to throw a javelin! Our arms were aching after throwing with all our might! 

Miss Morton and Mrs Daud taught us how to play football. There were lots of rules to learn but we soon got the hang of it! It felt really good to get the ball in the goal!

Miss Warburton taught us how to jump the hurdles. It was a little bit tricky to jump so high over them but we quickly got better with practice. 

Mrs Windsor taught us some gymnastics. We loved exploring how to move our bodies in different ways. 

Mrs Crowther taught us how to play golf! It took good hand-eye coordination to make sure we could hit and aim the ball where we wanted it to go. 

We had so much fun taking part in our own Olympic Games and we are looking forward to learning more about the topic!