Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 is taught by Miss Wilson and the Teaching Assistant is Mrs Forrest.  She supports us in class in many ways whether with small groups, 1:1 with individual children or sometimes even with the majority of the children.                                             

Year 6 - Stingray




Weekly Timetable

Don't Forget...

Monday - Spellings & Times tables given out
Tuesday - PE Kit
Wednesday -
Friday - PE Kit, spellings & times tables due in

Reading books should be in school EVERY DAY

Our Topics This Year

Have a look at the topics we will be studying throughout Year 6 (very exciting!):

Autumn 1 -  ID
Autumn 2 - Hola Mexico!
Spring 1 - Frozen Kingdom
Spring 2 - A Child’s War
Summer 1 - Blood Heart
Summer 2 - Tomorrow’s World
Our Expectations for Year 6
To help them along the way, Year 6 have created a set of rights and responsibilities which are used to ensure that the children’s time in year 6 is as enjoyable and productive as possible:



To have a range of equipment

To look after resources

To have a good education

To listen to everyone around us

To be heard

To do it in a considerate manner

To have close friends

To respect and look after them

To express opinions

To respect others’ opinions

To inspire others

To be enthusiastic and motivate

To be safe and secure

To look after others










Each and every pupil follows the schools behaviour policy, with positive behaviour being rewarded with individual smileys and class marbles.  It is always a pleasure to see the children receiving these rewards.

Keep up to date with what is going on by following the Year 6 Blog!

Year 6 Newsletter Autumn 2 2016-2017

SATS are quickly approaching and to help your child prepare for this, we will be sending home extra work after February half term.  To support your child further, below are a list of websites which you may find useful and we know the children will really enjoy going on them to boost their understanding of key areas.

Woodlands Junior Kent Website - range of games covering Maths, English and Science

KS2 Maths Bitesize - learning clips, so if you're a bit stuck, you can watch these video clips to help you out

Topmarks - a great website to support your SATs revision

KS2 English Bitesize - learning clips, so if you're a bit stuck, you can watch these video clips to help you out

KS2 Science Bitesize - learning clips, so if you're a bit stuck, you can watch these video clips to help you out

KS2 Bitesize - fun games, clips and explanations for Maths, English and Science (highly recommended!)

Woodlands revision corner

Primary Games - lots of different Maths games to develop your skills (ignore the sign that appears over the game)

Get your Maths Vid-a-mins SATs practice - Use this website WITH YOUR PARENTS/CARERS to practise your maths skills. This is a brilliant resource where you can answer problems linked to all areas of our maths learning. This is You Tube Channel so please remember our internet safety rules!!

Mental Maths Bootcamp

Flocabulary - how to divide fractions 'keep, flip, change' (a brilliant video showing how to do this!)

Year 5/6 Key Word List

Let's go Year 6!!!!

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