Welcome to Year 4 Starfish

Hello and welcome to Year 4’s page. My name is Miss Hoskins the Year 4 Class Teacher. I work closely with Mr Watkins our Teaching Assistant to help each child excel and fulfil their potential.

On this page you can find out about what we are learning in class, ways you can support us at home, important days to remember and Year 4 rules and routines!

Year 4 - Starfish





Weekly Timetable

As every week is very busy in Year 4, we ask that you support us by remembering these important things each week:

Monday: Homework given out
Wednesday: Library day and PE kits in school
Friday: PE kits in school and Homework due in

Reading books to be brought into school daily!

Wherever possible, please help your child practise their weekly tables and spellings. Testing them at home will help cement their learning of the different spelling rules and multiplication facts! Please also try to read with your child for at least 10 minutes per evening in order to boost their reading development in school.

Expectations for Everybody in Year 4

On the first day of term, we talked about the kind of classroom we want to have this year. One word that kept cropping up was RESPECT! Respect for learning, adults, other children, equipment and ourselves.

With this in mind, we wrote our


1) Respect other people,
2) Respect ourselves,
3) Respect our school.

For super behaviour, hard work, great manners or any other countless positive behaviour we see every day in school, the children can earn SMILIES! Each smiley is then blu-tacked to a chart in class. When 10 smilies have been collected, a shiny BRONZE sticker is awarded! 10 bronze stickers = a special bronze certificate (and then collecting for silver and gold can begin..!)
I am SO impressed with the respect and consideration the children have been showing in and around school so far this year! Keep it up!

If one of our class rules is broken, a warning will be given. This warning sees the child’s BEE move to the first LEAF on our behaviour chart. A second warning sees the bee fly to the second leaf. A third warning results in a yellow card and a 10 minute timeout. If the unwanted behaviour continues, a red card will be given and the child must be sent to a senior leader.  To be GREEN for behaviour each half term, the children must have only received a minimum number of yellow cards!

Have a look at our class blog, keeping you up to date with all our exciting learning:

Year 4 Blog

Year 4 Newsletter Autumn 2 2016-2017

Year 4 Topic Autumn 2 2016-2017

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