Welcome to Year 3 Sea Horses
Hello and welcome to Year 3 Seahorses. My name is Mrs Nolan and I will be teaching the class this year. Working alongside me will be my teaching assistant, Mrs. Barkatali and Miss Dalloway.
Weekly Timetable
This is our weekly timetable which shows what your child should bring to school each day.
Monday - Reading book and record; homework (spellings and tables) sent out.
Tuesday - Reading book and record.
Wednesday - reading book and record; PE kit.
Thursday - Reading book and record; PE kit.
Friday - Reading book and record; completed homework to be returned.
Our Topics for the Year
We will be covering some really exciting topics this year. Have a look at what we will be doing:
Autumn 1 - Heroes and Villains
Autumn 2 - Tremors
Spring 1 - Gods and Mortals
Spring 2 - Predator
Summer 1 - Urban Pioneers
Summer 2 - Tribal Tales
Our Expectations for Year 3
We aim to follow these class rules this year.
Be kind to adults and children.
Always try your hardest with everything.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Put your hand up when you need to speak.
No running indoors.
Pupils who follow the class rules will be awarded with a smiley face. If they collect 10 smiley faces they get a sticker on their bronze/silver/gold chart.
10 stickers on their bronze/silver/gold chart leads to a special certificate being awarded in assembly.