Welcome to Year 1 Dolphins

Hi everyone and welcome to Year 1 Dolphins. My name is Miss Coen and I will be the class teacher this year. Joining us this year will be our teaching assistant Miss Morton.

Weekly Timetable

Please remember:

Monday - Reading book and record; homework (spellings) sent out

Tuesday - Reading book and record; PE kit

Wednesday - Reading book and record

Thursday - Reading book and record; PE kit

Friday - Reading book and record; completed homework to be returned


Our Topics for the Year

This year we have lots of exciting and wonderful topics that we can all enjoy and we will explore these in a cross-curricular way incorporating all areas of learning for the children. 

Autumn 1 - Dinosaur  Planet

Autumn 2 - Moon Zoom

Spring 1 - Splendid Skies

Spring 2 - The Enchanted Woodland

Summer 1 - Bright Lights, Big City!

Summer 2 - Rio de Vida


Expectations in Year 1

In our classroom we have come up with our class rules together and we decided that the most important things that we needed to remember are:

Be polite and kind to everyone throughout school.
Always listen when others are speaking.
Put 100% effort into everything we do.

 We hope that everyone will be able to follow these rules during the year and if we do there are lots of exciting things that we can earn as a result. One of the things that  we can earn are  smileys and children can earn these from any teacher for good work.. Of course we have star of the week and many special stickers can also be earnt! 


We look forwarding to you seeing our fantastic learning by clicking on our class blog


Year 1 Dolphins Newsletter Autumn 2 2016-2017

Year 1 Dolphins Topic Autumn 2 2016-2017

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