Space Fact Files

Our topic this term is ‘The Journey to the Unknown ‘and this week we have been learning about The Solar System. The children have been information detectives and have gathered lots of interesting facts about Space. This week the children have created a bank of information to support them in…

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Image of Computing

This term we having been computer technologists and used a variety of different ICT software. We have used Ipads, laptops and the interactive whiteboard in our classroom. The children loved coming up to the board demonstrating to the class what they had to do. They enjoyed taking turns being the…

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Where Do We Belong

Image of Where Do We Belong

In our topic lessons this term Year 2 we have been learning about ‘Where we belong.’  We know that the River Irk is a local river in Middleton and that it joins the River Irwell. We have researched Edgar Wood and looked at the houses and buildings that he has designed in our local…

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Local Area walk

Last week we walked around the local area as part of our Georgraphy lesson. We looked out for all the different signs, shops and buildings to understand what our local area is like.

This week in our Engish lessons we all wrote instructions about our journey home from school. The local walk…

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Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week Penguin class have been writing about 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' story. We have been writing reasons for and against the Billy Goats being allowed to cross the bridge as well as writing some fantastic letters of complaint.

We have worked hard to ensure the Fairy Tale Chief (the…

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Remembrance Day poems

Today in class we  discussed why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We had a 2 minute silence before tying up our lovely Poppy Poems onto the fence near the school entrance.

We have spent a few lessons creating our poems after looking at lots of examples and vocabulary.


Here are some of our…

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Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

First day back at school after half term and we have started a new fun topic called Towers, Tunnels and Turrets.

The children have started off with an engaging activity to remind them of  a great memorable expeirence of the topic.

We looked at the definitions of towers, tunnels and…

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World Food day

Today in Penguin Class we celebrated World Food Day. We learnt that World food day is a day of action against hunger.

Every year people from around the world come together to raise awareness and to make a difference by moving towards ending hunger.

In class we created World food day posters…

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Rosh Hashanah


This week in assembly and in class we have been learning about Rosh Hashanah. We have learnt that Rosh Hashanah is an important Jewish festival that commemorates the creation of the world. It is the anniversary of Adam and Eve and a day of judgment.

Penguin class have had a great…

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Crocodiles in the Classroom

Image of Crocodiles in the Classroom

Today in Penguin Class there have crocodiles in the classroom! (Maths Crocodiles)


We have been learning greater and less than and less than and greater than in a really exciting way. 

We have found out that crocodiles don't like to eat children or teachers but they like eat BIG…

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Pirates Topic!

During these past two weeks in Penguin Class we have been reading lots of Pirate stories. This week we have been planning our own pirate settings, characters and stories in order to write our final Pirate Story tomorrow! We are all very excitied to write them and I (Miss Branson) am excited to…

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