In our topic lessons this term Year 2 we have been learning about ‘Where we belong.’ We know that the River Irk is a local river in Middleton and that it joins the River Irwell. We have researched Edgar Wood and looked at the houses and buildings that he has designed in our local area.
Here are some buildings that we looked at and ordered using a timeline. All of the children were able to point out that they have seen ‘Olde Boars Head’ in Middleton.
After researching lots of Edgar Wood houses we created observational drawings of our favourite buildings. The next few lessons became the most exciting! The children loved using all their knowledge of Edgar Wood buildings and they created their own drawings of an Edgar Wood style house. The children said ‘I want my house to be as big as Edgar Wood’s but I want my house to be colourful.’
Over the next few weeks the children will be having a series of Design and Technology lessons in order to create their design in 3D. We will update the blog with pictures of our hard work and creations soon.