Remote Learning 


During the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, school was closed to all pupils except those who were vulnerable or children of key workers. Boarshaw Primary School was thrilled to invite all pupils back to school in September 2020. However with ongoing uncertainty during these unprecedented times, as a school, we have organised a plan for remote learning. As a school, we anticipate that from time to time there may be a need for individual pupils, class bubbles or even the whole school to isolate for a period of time. Advice for families who have pupils who are isolating can also be found here


Therefore the purpose of remote learning is to ensure that there is minimum impact on the education of any of our pupils. The plan we have created is compliant with the DfE guidance for remote learning. It is also effective in delivering a rich curriculum, which mirrors the learning which would be taking place in class.


Weekly Plans

Each week a plan for remote learning will be put on your Class Dojo story and sent to your registered email address. This plan will contain links to websites and online tools, which can be used to ensure pupils do not miss out on the school curriculum. If you do not have Class Dojo or have not provided your email address, please contact the school office who will be able to help you with this. Class Dojo is an excellent way to maintain home-school communication. Teachers can be contacted to provide support where needed. We would also encourage you to use this as a way of sending in photographs of learning which is happening at home.


Online Learning

Each day, your child will need access to the following websites:


Login details for these websites can be found on the cover of your child’s remote learning workbook. They can also be sent to you via Class Dojo and/or email if the original copy is misplaced. If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop/tablet and/or the internet, please let us know as soon as possible. Paper copies of remote learning packs will be made available to those who need them.


Expectations for Foundation Stage

The following is a typical daily timetable for pupils in Nursery and Reception:

  • 15 minutes of Maths

  • 15 minutes of English

  • 15 minutes reading

  • 15 minutes of phonics

  • 30 minutes of PE

  • 15 minutes of Foundation subjects


In addition to this there will be weekly suggested activities for:

  • Fine motor development (cutting, mark making, dough disco etc)

  • A story or rhyme of the week

  • Baking

  • Creative crafts

  • Play activities


For each subject a link to the relevant website is provided as is any additional information, which parents might need.






Foundation Stage Information



White Rose Maths

For children in Reception this is the scheme of learning which is followed in school. Each day there is a video lesson and questions in their maths workbook.  


In EYFS children learn about numbers and number facts through Numberblocks. The plan will direct you to the series and episode to watch relating to children’s current number development.


Oxford Owl eBooks – FS and KS1

Parents can create a free login to give them access to free eBooks which are linked to their child’s Letters and Sounds phase. Simply choose ‘level’ and then the ‘letters and sounds phase’ to give you access to appropriate texts. Your child’s class teacher can tell you which phase your child is currently working on. Encourage pupils to summarise what their reading book is about by drawing a picture and writing a few sentences in their remote learning workbook.


This website gives you access to a range of different stories that can be shared with your child.


Rhymes and Songs

Access to a range of different number rhymes, nursery rhymes and early years songs.


Phonics Play

This website allows pupils from FS and KS1 to practise their phonics skills, appropriate to their phase, in a fun and exciting way. Sign in for free as follows:

Username: march20

Password: home


Twinkl Phonics

A Twinkl phonics PPT is shared daily for pupils to practise applying their decoding skills to.


Foundation Subjects

Various links provided on the weekly plan.

Links and activities will be uploaded linked to Science, Geography, History, Art and Design, Design and Technology, RE, Music and PSHE. The lessons and activities will reflect the learning going on in class that week.


Purple Mash

This is a fantastic platform which teachers to set tasks which pupils complete and save online.



PE Passport

Choose from a range of activities and videos to help you to engage in 30 minutes of daily exercise. You can focus on being active by combining gymnastics, dance, yoga and movement skills.



Dough Disco

Spread the Happiness TV contains videos that will help your child develop their fine motor skills through Dough Disco. Children will be asked to complete one activity a week.




Expectations for Year 1-Year 6

The following is a typical daily timetable for pupils in Key Stage One and Two:

  • 1 hour of Maths

  • 1 hour of English (including SPAG)

  • 30 minutes of reading

  • 30 minutes of spellings and phonics

  • 30 minutes of PE

  • 1 hour of a Foundation subject


For each subject a link to the relevant website is provided as is any additional information, which parents might need.




Key Stage 1 and 2 Information



White Rose Maths

This is the scheme of learning which is followed in school. Each day there is a video lesson and questions in their maths workbook.

Times Tables Rockstars (Year 2-6)

We know that daily practise with times tables is a must for our pupils. So, what better way to practise than this? Create your own rock star and see if you can become a Times Tables Champion! Login details will be provided by your class teacher.

NumBots (Year 1)

A brilliant way to brush up on your number bonds and essential calculation skills for our young learners! Login details will be provided by your class teacher.




Each day, one picture is uploaded for pupils to explore. This website uses that one picture as a teaching resource to help develop pupils writing skills. There is ‘question time’ and ‘picture perfect’ activities which are appropriate for KS1 and ‘story starters’, ‘sentence challenge’ and ‘sick sentences’ which are all challenging for pupils in KS2.


Oxford Owl eBooks – FS and KS1

Parents can create a free login to give them access to free eBooks which are linked to their child’s Letters and Sounds phonics phase. Simply choose ‘level’ and then the ‘letters and sounds phase’ to give you access to appropriate texts. Your child’s class teacher can tell you which phase your child is currently working on. Encourage pupils to summarise what their reading book is about by drawing a picture and writing a few sentences in their remote learning book.

LoveReading4Kids – KS2

A fantastic website which allows parents to create a free login for instant access to extracts from hundreds of books. Pupils can filter books which are appropriate to their age and read extracts linked to their own interests. Each day read a new extract! Remember to summarise your reading to an adult and write this summary in your remote learning book.

Why not choose a higher age range for added challenge? Use a dictionary to help you to find the meaning for unfamiliar words.



Phonics Play

This website allows pupils from FS and KS1 to practise their phonics skills, appropriate to their phase, in a fun and exciting way. Sign in for free as follows:

Username: march20

Password: home


Twinkl Phonics

A Twinkl phonics PPT is shared daily for pupils to practise applying their decoding skills to.



Spelling Shed

Each week your teacher will set a list of spellings for you to practise throughout the week. Login details will be provided by your class teacher.



Various links provided on the weekly plan.

Links and activities will be uploaded each week and should be completed in your remote learning book.


Foundation Subjects

Various links provided on the weekly plan.

Links and activities will be uploaded linked to Science, Geography, History, Art and Design, Design and Technology, RE, Music and PSHE. The lessons and activities will reflect the learning going on in class that week.


MFL (modern foreign language) will be planned weekly for KS2.

Purple Mash

This is a fantastic platform which teachers to set tasks which pupils complete and save online.



PE Passport

Choose from a range of activities and videos to help you to engage in 30 minutes of daily exercise. You can focus on being active by combining gymnastics, dance, yoga and movement skills.



Remote Learning Packs

All children will be supplied with a remote learning pack containing exercise books, a pencil, a line guide, a maths workbook and pencils. Reception will also be given a pack of phonics flashcards. Pupils in Years 1 and 2 will be provided with a phonics mat to help support reading and writing. Please keep these somewhere safe for use if a child, bubble or the school need to self-isolate. We have high expectations of presentation from all pupils and this should be evident when working at home in their remote learning workbooks. Pupils should use a new page for each lesson, clearly writing the lesson and date at the top of the page. The school handwriting guide should be followed.


Celebrating Work

It is expected that pupils, who are learning at home, complete all the work which has been provided. Parents are welcome to email photographs to teachers or send them via Class Dojo to help celebrate their achievements at home. All completed work should be returned back to school once the period of self-isolation has been completed. All worked which is returned will be marked. Teachers will celebrate the learning at home during bubble closures via our school blog, where examples of work and photographs from home will be shared.


Supporting Children

The work being sent home allows for all pupils to access it at their level. If you feel that work provided is too challenging for your child then please speak to your child’s class teacher. It is perfectly acceptable to skip tasks and questions which your child is finding challenging and move on to something more accessible. Please keep in touch with us so we can help provide you with support where appropriate.


Contact with teachers

Should you wish to discuss anything or if you require any support with remote learning, then please email your child’s class teacher. Class teachers’ email addresses are included on the cover of your child’s remote learning workbook. Teachers will also be contactable through Class Dojo.


During a bubble closure, a welfare call will also be made by a member of staff in your child’s bubble. We know that being away from school can often be unsettling for some children, so the purpose of the call is to simply say hello. Staff always enjoy hearing what pupils have been doing at home, how they have been keeping busy and during this call can offer you with any help which you may need.


The closure of a bubble can often feel like a lengthy period of time away from school. To help ease any anxiety your child might be feeling, there will be a daily ZOOM call scheduled by your child’s class teacher. Each class will be split into two groups and a time will be allocated to your child. During the call your child can talk to their teacher about what they have been doing at home and ask questions about anything they may need help with. The length of this call will be approximately 30 minutes and work being completed at home will be celebrated. Teachers will use this time in different ways. They may wish to read a story, read part of a class novel, practise phonics sounds or model a strategy which might help with some aspect of remote learning that week.


Free School Meals

If your child is entitled to a free school meal, we are happy to provide you each week with a packed lunch. Please contact the school office who will be happy to help you with this. We appreciate that isolating can be financially difficult for many families. School is happy to provide you with food bags should you require them.


Thank you

We hope you have found this detailed guidance to remote learning useful. If you are unsure of anything, please let us know. Thank you in advance for all your continued support with helping us to ensure that remote learning is a huge success.





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