Home Learning 2019-2020

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we will be releasing working online to help support home learning. From June 2020 a new home learning pack will be available every Monday, on our school website. A paper copy of the pack with suitable resources will be available for collection every Monday from 10am. Each week there will be a different topic which will run across the school. The topics in order will be music, under the sea, rainforests and sport. The learning being completed at home will mirror the learning which is taking place in school. Pupils who will be returning to school will bring home a project sheet which will allow parents to see what they have been doing and also to give them the chance to attempt some of the projects at home in the afternoons.


In order to celebrate and assess your child’s learning and progress it remains essential to ensure that work is completed at home and this is then shared as a photograph with your child’s class teacher via dojo or email. Teachers will continue to make welfare phone calls to pupils with whom they have no contact.


Thank You!

A big thank you to the #TheLearningProjects at Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust @RobinHoodTrust (https://www.robinhoodmat.co.uk/learning-projects/#education) who in partnership with STEM Learning and Warwickshire Schools Library Service created the fantastic topic plans which we have adopted and adapted. The teaching, learning and resources have been an excellent base for our staff to build upon in order to ensure we have the same topic running throughout the whole school. 

Please click on your child’s year group below to access the learning relevant for this week.


Week 1 – Music – W/C 22.06.20



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Week 2 – Under the Sea – W/C 29.06.20



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Week 3 – Rainforests – W/C 06.07.20



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Week 4 – Sports– W/C 13.07.20



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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