All Creatures Great and Small

Image of All Creatures Great and Small

Dinosaur Bones Found at School

On Monday Blue Tang became paleontologists and found dinosaur bones in the sand area.
We wrote newspaper reports about the bones to let everyone knew the news. We discussed where they might have come from and what the different bones are. We read…
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Knights and Castles

Image of Knights and Castles


What a fanatastic term Reception have had. After we had found the dragon egg we began to learn about knights and castles. We acted out the roles in the castle and talked about the features of a castle. Reception read their own non-fiction book about castles and then built castles…
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Image of Dragons!

Dragon's Egg

At the beginning of this half term, Reception were surprised to find an egg in our playground. After further investigation we found it was from a dragon and he wanted us to look after whatever was inside. We wrote to the Dragon to tell him we would look after it. The next morning,…
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Who Lives in Happily Ever After?

Image of Who Lives in Happily Ever After?

Fairy Tale Hunt

To begin our new topic the Jolly Postman left us some clues. We had to read the clues and follow the instructions to find the stories we are going to learn about this term. We were very excited in finding the items and deciding what story they were form. Surprisingly we didn't…
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What a great term!

Image of What a great term!

Health Professionals


We started off this term by looking at Doctors and Dentists. We had a visit from the Dental Nurse who told us all about how to keep our teeth healthy and clean. We then learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy and what different food we should eat. 


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Superhero World

Image of Superhero World

Reception have been very busy this half term. We welcomed all the new children and their families into our school in September. The children had already had the chance to visit their new school, therefore they all settled very quickly. 


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Did Dragon's Exist?

Image of Did Dragon's Exist?

During Spring 2 Reception learnt all about dragons, knights and castles. We started off the topic by finding some dragon's eggs and talking about what we already knew about them. We looked at the book 'The Little Dragon.' The week after a big dragon visited us and we wrote our own story about the…

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Did Dragon's Exist?

Image of Did Dragon's Exist?

During Spring 1 Reception have been learning all about dragons, knights and castles. We started off the topic by finding some dragon eggs and discussed what we knew about dragons. We looked at the book 'The Little Dragon,' and created our own story about a big dragon. The big dragon came to visit…

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Our local walk

Where do we live? 


This week we went on a walk around school to look for places we know. We found the local park and farm. We also walked past some houses we know. We learned about how to keep safe near the road and what we could do in Boarshaw. We looked at different types of transport…

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Shapes Shapes Everywhere - Reception

Image of Shapes Shapes Everywhere - Reception

In Maths this week Reception have been learning all about shapes. We have learnt the name of different 2d shapes and we are beginning to talk about the properties. 


We went on a shape hunt to find different shapes;


We found circle, squares, triangles and rectangles.…

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Reception - What can we do?

Image of Reception - What can we do?

What can our bodies do?


This week Reception have been learning about their bodies and what they can do. We start each morning off with Dough Disco which helps to strengthen our hands and fingers. 

We experiemented with different ways of moving. We realised our bodies can run, climb,…

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Reading and Phonics Meeting

Thank you to all the parents who attended last night’s phonics and reading meeting. Together we can achieve anything!

Thank you again for your continued support.

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