Superhero Mission!

The children were dressed as superheroes this week to begin our new topic. With the superman theme tune playying the children came into the classroom to find a series of challenges that they had to complete. When completed the superhero in charge checked their answers and presented them with the…

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Exploding Volcanoes in Year 1 sharks

To finish our dinosaur topic, the children created a museum and presented the information they had learnt during the topic to Year 2 Penguins. At the end of the museum the children showed year 2 how dinosaurs became extinct with a real life volcano. They enjoyed experimenting with food dye to…

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Mastering Maths Skills

Image of Mastering Maths Skills

Year 1 Sharks - Amazing Maths work ...

What a fantastic start to the the autumn term! 

The children in Year 1 Sharks are already becoming briliant mathmeticians. They have been securing their understanding of addition. They have learnt the language realted to addition, looked at number…

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